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  • The days of having an intranet just because, well, it's a good idea are over. As a manager, you need to deliver hard data that justifies investment in your intranet. You need to show that a dollar spent on your intranet will deliver more value that a dollar spent elsewhere. Otherwise, your budget will shrink.

  • Maybe you can’t judge a book by its cover. But you sure can tell a great deal about prospective vendors by the quality of their PowerPoint presentations. Here's what to look for, and what it will tell you.

  • Technology is full of differing approaches. But Microsoft v. Linux goes beyond a simple disagreement. It’s a Hatfields-and-McCoys feud, a drama of honor and justice, a fight for the way things ought to be.

  • Have you mistakenly trained your branding to fall over and play dead? Do you know how to use psychology to create branding that lights up with the voltage of a thousand neon bulbs? And can you play Scrooge with your budget, yet get huge branding mileage? And if so, how?

  • There is a classic saying in management: If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. So what's it take to measure the value of your content? You need to understand knowledge and information. You need to articulate the objectives you have for your content. You need to compare how your content performs against other forms of communication. And mostly, you need to see content as an asset.

  • What's new and cool in the email space? Animation? Flash? Video and voiceovers? Some other hip and sexy technique to grab eyeballs? Put the glitz aside. Would you believe...there's nothing more effective than really knowing your audience? In email marketing, it's more effective than anything else -- even the next shiny thing.

  • Look critically at IT's current operating cycles and its approach to business. Paul has, and he's identified five specific reasons why high tech firms will continue to be stuck in a downward spiral. To survive, high tech has to adapt to the current business climate.

  • Companies spend millions of dollars each year developing mission and vision statements, identifying their brand, and then communicating their brand promise through various media. Well, employees are the primary “media” in the majority of brand contacts. But in most companies, employees don’t understand the brand promise well enough to communicate it, let alone live it and articulate it clearly.

  • elling is a more complicated process than many companies understand, requiring communication with many different "species" of buyers. The good news is that you *can* master communication with every genotype that your company encounters. The bad news is that like insect species, there are a lot of different genotypes and most of them are a little creepy.

  • ate last month, Scott Adams kicked off the first National Weasel Day in San Francisco as a shameless plug for his new book, "Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel." In a play on Groundhog Day, the new holiday's lore holds that if the weasel entered its cubicle, the economy would rebound in 2003. Alan Greenspan, you can rest easy next year; the weasel provided as sound an economic indicator as any that have come out lately.

  • Many brands see advertising as an effort to draw attention to themselves and away from competitors. But the approach that builds relationships most requires that brands listen, too. If advertising is the talking part of this dialog, then brand research and testing is the listening part of the conversation.

  • hat is your most important marketing tool? Your spreadsheet application should be high at the top of the list. These days, running your marketing department without constant attention to the numbers is simply irresponsible.

  • Surely marketing message disasters happen only to sad little mom-and-pops run by two guys and a German Shepherd selling plastic garden furniture to consumers living inside the Arctic Circle. Afraid not, folks. It can happen to anyone. Even you.

  • Most companies that have Web sites have access to traffic statistics. Those that don't look at these files don't know what they are missing -- there is a wealth of information to be found, and reacting to this information can have a positive impact on a company's bottom line.

  • Face your fears. Be persistent. Learn how to listen. Delaney shares 11 tips to guide you in your life journey, both in your work and in your personal life. In total, they act as a reminder for us all to order and prioritize according to a higher standard.

  • Undeliverable emails--or email "bouncebacks"--are becoming more and more of a challenge for email marketers these days. Why should you be concerned? Because customer acquisition is expensive, and email bouncebacks could mean the loss of customers and prospects that you paid dearly to acquire.

  • Most companies have lousy value propositions. They’re weak – often, really weak. Often they’re simply a description of the offering’s features or capabilities. Or they’re filled with self-aggrandizing puffery.

  • What do Krispy Kreme and Harley-Davidson have in common? They are among the many companies still thriving in the midst of an American economic meltdown. Why? Because they have methodically focused on building the love, enthusiasm and goodwill of their customers.

  • Want to maximize your ROI? Then understand that it is AFTER your search is completed that the hard work begins. And know that the best relationships with agencies are true partnerships. Here are 11 suggestions from the front lines.

  • Contrary to what you read in the newspapers, a lot of e-commerce and content Web sites are finding success in 2002. Each success teaches a different lesson. But all the lessons have some definite elements in common.