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  • The fact is that Spam works. This was proven when the first "legitimate" business turned to Spamming its customers, and when they got away with it on the bottom line.

  • Here's how to become your customers’ trusted information source for the daily business problems they face. Part three of a continuing series.

  • e have the data. We have the pretty reports. But we do not have an educated team who can take the resulting statistics and turn them into meaningful plans.

  • e McEmpire is in turmoil, and McDonald’s management may now be witnessing the decline of its own empire.

  • Before you decide to plunge head first into the next great partnership opportunity, here's what to look for.

  • Most companies do not use ROI tools effectively. Here are the steps you'll need to successfully complete the sales process.

  • How do you deliver value to your B2B subscribers?

  • This past fall, the Yahoo portal changed the way it delivers search results. So what's now the value of a listing in the Yahoo directory? Here are the pros and cons.

  • Like a house of cards, a marketing message takes a long, painstaking time to build up -- yet only moments to knock down.

  • With the heady days of the Internet bubble behind us, it’s time to get back to the basics with marketing through newsletters.

  • Many technology companies have developed Return on Investment (ROI) tools for their sales organizations. But while many have developed some type of ROI tool, very few would claim that they are winning significant business as a result.

  • our website must look good. But it also needs to deliver the goods. Winning on the Web can be like running a marathon: Complex and beautiful may win awards, but ugly and simple might just win the race.

  • Email marketing is a process. It is, among other things, about moving people through a cycle of events. The challenge is to optimize your message at each stage of the process in order to enhance response.

  • The Santa Clue


    Santa is all about customer relationships. Borrow a page from Santa's playbook to boost credibility, strengthen customer bonds, and -- ultimately -- grow your brand.

  • Santa Claus Inc. is well and profitable, right through recessions, depressions and just about any economic scenario. The reason why his marketing works better than yours is because he uses solid, dyed-in-the-wool psychology.

  • You’ve spent weeks “negotiating” the marketing budget and you have finally received approval. But then -- business is not going as planned and cuts have to be made. Again. What now?

  • Imagine that your company is a magazine. To be a little clearer, you're still in whatever business that you're in, but there's an important magazine component to what you do.

  • After two years of deep slumber, the CRM market is about to re-awaken. What have we learned from the past few years? How can those lessons be applied going forward?

  • What's your own company's "hogwash" factor? How much damage are you doing to your company credibility by making unsupportable claims?

  • The Internet has emerged as an effective tool for marketing professionals to gather news, market intelligence and buzz about companies, products and business issues.