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  • While empowering employees is key to retaining them, surrendering too much may come back to bite you. Heed the warning signs.

  • How many companies call themselves “customer-centric” while failing to see issues through customers’ eyes?

  • How do you pitch quality over products that smell like a rush job and look and act cheap? Also: what's the best way to promote high-quality products that require some investment of time and dollars?

  • Let’s dispel a big myth—that the Internet is changing so fast, it is impossible to plan for. That is absolute rubbish.

  • So what's the big deal with RSS? Here are the basics.

  • Speaking at public forums often results in new business. So how do you get the gigs?

  • hile California's new spam law is aimed at spammers, its wake is rippling toward every legitimate email marketer.

  • Does your marketing campaign tend to go suddenly quiet? One psychological factor could throw your entire marketing campaign out of whack.

  • ime to face facts: our marketing strategies are stale and our customers are exhausted and (worse) bored. We need something in the mix that is enticing, a new approach without all the preservatives and additives.

  • How can you make strategic planning more productive? Also this week: How to market with a bare-bones staff.

  • Weigh in with advice and recommendations on how a marketing team can work through internal struggles and politics. Also this week: How do you prepare for an acquisition?

  • The words you use make a big difference on the Internet. Carefully chosen, they can keep a customer happy. Sloppily chosen, they can infuriate.

  • You know who you are, one of the hundreds of unemployed, highly educated technology-marketing executives who used to be “somebody.” So what now?

  • The most effective and often overlooked strategy to grow a client base is to encourage referrals.

  • What's next for radio? And why should marketers pay attention?

  • effectively build a brand today, you need PR.

  • How can (seemingly) solid business thinking hurt us?

  • In addition to spotlighting particular areas of expertise, though, testimonials can also provide an excellent venue for expressing brand emotions.

  • Marketers have been happy to leave search enginge marketing in the hands of the IT folks. Until now.

  • Web analytics can help every manager reach their goals by acting as a lens through which they can more clearly see how well their area of the Web site is working. Unfortunately, it also lets everybody else in the organization clearly see how well his or her area of the Web site is working. Can't we all just get along?