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  • The job outlook for unemployed direct marketers has deteriorated sharply: The median length of unemployment among those actively seeking work is now 12.0 months, compared with 6.5 months reported a year earlier, according to a new survey from Bernhart Associates Executive Search, LLC.

  • It's no secret that loyal employees are the driving force behind solid, stable, and profitable companies, whereas unhappy, disgruntled, and disloyal employees can quickly bring any company to its knees. Companies that lack employee commitment can change their culture and build loyalty from the inside out by following these eight steps.

  • If you've ever manned a tradeshow booth, you're familiar with that sense of urgency to bring back home a stack of qualified leads. And, with so many other exhibitors vying for the same prize, you may find yourself behaving a bit like a carnival barker in your efforts to lure visitors. Luckily, there's a more dignified option: Let your tradeshow booth do the work for you.

  • Targeting the right audience is the key to success for any marketing campaign. Up-to-date contact information, valid email addresses, and the tools to segment a list accurately are must-haves for any marketer, yet they are by no means assured in the lists purchased from business-contact vendors.

  • More and more businesses are using social media to get their messages out. And because they are user-driven, implementing them is relatively easy and inexpensive; too often, however, social-media marketing communication is undertaken without an integrated strategy. Below, the resulting five most common errors that businesses commit in using social media.

  • Most top-brand online retail marketers ignore signs of inactivity among their email subscribers, and continue to send email messages at steady and frequent rates, despite their subscribers' lack of response (no opens, clicks, or purchases), according to a study by Return Path.

  • Social media continues to rapidly evolve—offering new channels and opportunities for marketers—but keeping up with the latest developments in social media takes work: 65% of advertising and marketing executives say it's somewhat or very challenging to keep up with social media trends, according to a survey from The Creative Group.

  • Google continued to dominate search in July, accounting for 71.43% of all US searches conducted in the four weeks ended August 1, 2010, while Ask's share of searches reached 2.32%, up 6% from June, according to Experian Hitwise data.

  • Driven by gradual economic recovery, advances in digital technology, and secular shifts in business and consumer spending, total communications industry spending is on pace to increase 3.5% in 2010 and post a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% from 2010 to 2014, reaching $1.4 trillion in spending by 2014, according to Veronis Suhler Stevenson (VSS).

  • Some 178 million US Internet users watched online videos in July 2010 for an average of 14.7 hours per viewer, according to comScore Video Metrix. Though Google Sites continued to dominate online video viewing during the month, Facebook jumped one spot from its June ranking to become the third-most popular online video viewing destination.

  • If you're using direct marketing to sell your products and services, then you know that it's all about making an offer. But are you testing your offers to find out what work best? There are hundreds of offers and thousands, perhaps millions, of offer variations you can test. However, some offers are proven winners. Here are 59 of them.

  • If no one's reading your email campaign, no matter how great it is, it's not going to make any sales. You need a great email list filled with customers and prospects who have said yes to receiving information from you and who will be moved to action if the time or offer is right. But that list needs to grow if you want your business to grow.

  • Since the Internet began, some 40 years ago, most of its content has been free to access. Today, that is still the case. However, paid content is one of the fastest-growing areas of Internet business, generating more than $15 billion in revenues in 2009 in the US alone. With so much freely available on the Web, what type of content will people actually pay for?

  • Social media can be an effective marketing tool for small businesses. However, different businesses have different needs and different reasons for adopting social media. Regardless of the reason, social media can serve as an efficient, low-cost marketing tool for businesses seeking to generate measurable business results.

  • Consumers looking for local business information are increasingly turning to their mobile devices: The number of people who accessed Internet business directories on a mobile phone reached 17.3 million in March 2010, up 14% from the same period a year earlier, according to a study by the Yellow Pages Association (YPA).

  • Driven by increasing smartphone adoption, worldwide sales of mobile devices to end-users reached 325.6 million units in the second quarter of 2010, up 13.8% from the same period a year earlier, according to Gartner.

  • The Web's most influential teens are more likely than other teens to actively participate in social media and digital activities, such as updating their social networking status and sending text messages, but they are also more likely to spend time influencing their peers and socializing offline, according to a survey from myYearbook and Ketchum.

  • Though most active users of social networking sites say they visit those sites primarily to stay connected with friends and family, many also want to engage with brands: 65% of such frequent social networking users say they are a fan of at least one brand on Facebook and 31% follow a brand on Twitter, according to a survey from Invoke Solutions.

  • When stocking up on back-to-school items, consumers love Target and Old Navy—and are more passionate about those brands than they are about any other major US retailer, according to the NetBase Brand Passion Index, which measures the intensity of consumer passion for brands among users of online communities.

  • Perhaps because the difficult economic climate has forced marketers into a more tactical mode, with leaner teams trying to execute more with less, marketing strategy has taken a back seat. Whatever the reason, the lack of a strategy has huge implications on an organization's marketing effectiveness.