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  • Having been neck-deep in the psychology of influence and the business of marketing while launching my own book, I had the opportunity to ask Guy Kawasaki about succeeding by embracing the "nobodies," thinking differently about demand generation, and enchanting your employees.

  • Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in March 2011 with 179.5 million visitors, followed by Google Sites with 176.8 million and Microsoft Sites with 176.4 million, according to comScore Media Metrix service. (ranked No. 41) joined the top 50 ranking for the first time in March, as did Time Warner (No. 49) and BuzzMedia (No. 50).

  • Content has always been king, but now the kingdom is much larger and more powerful than ever. If measured and managed properly, it can drive high return on investment (ROI). Here are three ways to boost ROI with content marketing.

  • Nearly one in four visitors to B2B websites referred by LinkedIn are enterprise visitors—those arriving at sites via corporate IP addresses—according to a report by LeadFormix. Among such leads, those referred by LinkedIn "groups" are the most likely to complete a form-fill, or convert.

  • Like a good meal with good friends, great presentations encourage sharing, interaction, and conversation. So sharpen your knives, oil your pans, and think like a top chef preparing a meal that will stimulate the senses, invite conversation, and demand involvement.

  • In an age where innovation is a key factor to business success, many ad and marketing executives are itching for more creative freedom on the job, according to a survey from The Creative Group.

  • When executed well, a VoC program can provide insight about customers and what is important to them. Besides the obvious reasons why that's important to know, there are business benefits to making this type of investment of time and money.

  • Google's Android is still the top smartphone operating system (OS) in the Millennial Media ad network, but Apple's iOS regained some lost ground in March 2011, on the strength of the Verizon iPhone, according to the Mobile Mix report by Millennial Media.

  • Don't keep your marketing insight languishing in a silo, away from your core business processes. The technology exists to generate real business value from this often-untapped information, so take advantage of the chance to link knowledge about your customers to the rest of your business.

  • One out of ten presentations is now viewed via mobile device, up 640% over 2010 levels, with Apple devices the top choice for viewing such presentations, according to a report by SlideRocket.

  • What are others saying about you and your company online? With so many online channels available to consumers and competitors, it's time you took control of your online reputation. Just follow these seven simple steps.

  • Verizon is the top mobile network brand of the year, according to the 2011 Harris Poll EquiTrend* report, which also announced winners in four other tech categories: Mobile phones (Motorola), consumer electronics (Sony), computer hardware (Hewlett-Packard), and gaming (Nintendo).

  • Corporate rebranding is intricate and time-consuming; but with the mergers, acquisitions, and ownership changes of the current dynamic business environment, it's a necessary endeavor. Avoid these pitfalls and use this checklist to ensure uniform, integrated distribution of your new brand/name.

  • The benefits of ranking on the first search-engine results page (SERP) are more valuable than ever: 60% of clicks are generated by the top three SERP results, while the average CTR (click-through rate) for the top spot is 36.4%, according to a study by Optify.

  • When choosing someone to lead the charge on the social media front, do you want someone who's merely "good at social media" or someone who can achieve business goals? Here's how to hire the right person and get results.

  • Online advertising appears to be back on track: US Internet ad revenues reached an all-time high of $26.0 billion in 2010, up 14.9% from $22.7 billion in 2009, fueled by growth in display-related formats, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

  • B2B and B2C marketing have commonalities—and differences. Some B2C rules apply, whereas others have to be tweaked to fit B2B. The same is true for SEO. Here are three must-know SEO tips for B2B marketers.

  • More than nine out of ten B2B marketers (93%) say they conduct social media marketing to some extent and cite LinkedIn as their single most important social channel, according to a new report from BtoB Online.

  • If you're in the business of building lasting customer relationships, saying "thank you" is essential. Without it, you're at greater risk of customer flight—and you're a sitting duck for the competition. Here's how to thank your customers via email—the right way.

  • Nearly one-half (49%) of mobile searchers—people who use the mobile Web at least weekly—say they have made at least one purchase via mobile device in the previous six months, according to a study by Performics and ROI Research.