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  • Fully nine in ten (90%) female bloggers say they are somewhat or very interested to partner with brands on campaigns, provided they are compensated, but 58% have never been approached by a brand or agency to do so, according to a new survey from BlogFrog and the Social Studies Group.

  • Using negative keywords in your paid-search campaign can help you reach ideal prospects, reduce cost per click (CPC), and increase return on investment (ROI). Learn how to select negative keywords and create your list.

  • Nearly 1.1 trillion display ad impressions were delivered to US Internet users in the first quarter of 2011; among them, Facebook accounted for 346 billion—31.2% of the total display market—nearly twice the level delivered one year earlier, according to data from comScore Ad Metrix.

  • Increasing social media chatter about your brand is almost always beneficial and can help drive sales. Take it a step further: Highlight the social buzz around your brand in your email campaigns using these five tips.

  • Although most surveyed moms who own e-readers are happy with their devices, moms who use social media are far more likely than non-social moms to share information about their e-reader brand with friends and family and pay a higher price for their device, according to a survey from Motista.

  • Marketers can now identify their various industries' top 10 influential voices across blogs, articles, and social networks—and also see their own influence ranking vs. other voices in a given market—with the help of a free tool released this week.

  • For some of us writerly types, content comes easy. But extracting copy from others is like pulling bad teeth. But it needn't be. Use these winning strategies to unleash the inner writer in even your most reluctant team members.

  • Ad agency executives say online video is an increasingly powerful tool to reach audiences and, largely because of video's targeting capabilities, fully six in ten say online video ads are more effective than (30%) or as effective as (31%) ads delivered via television, according to a survey from BrightRoll.

  • A corporate blog can be a key component of any marketing strategy. It can help generate leads, demonstrate a customer-centric culture, and engage your audience. Here are 30 ideas for creating a well-rounded corporate blog.

  • Social media advertising revenues are forecast to reach $8.3 billion in 2015, up from an estimated $2.1 billion in 2010—a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.6%, according to BIA/Kelsey's US Local Media Annual Forecast.

  • Whether your new-business prospecting list is purchased or homegrown, your business can improve sales 100% or more. The key isn't just about how companies effectively work the phone but, rather, how they work the list.

  • Content is the fuel of social interaction on the Web: Nearly one-quarter (23%) of all social media messages and one-half (47%) of industry-specific social messages contain links to content, according to a new study by AOL and Nielsen.

  • Everywhere you turn, everyone is talking about mobile. Though B2Cs have been diving into mobile, B2Bs have been falling behind and missing prime opportunities to reach and engage their business audiences.

  • After several years of making cuts, B2B marketing leaders are increasing their budgets 6.7% in 2011 over 2010 levels, with tech-services companies driving much of the expansion, according to a report by Forrester Research.

  • Warning: Some of your colleagues are afraid—deeply, irrationally afraid—of social media. How can you overcome their resistance against social media? Have them commit in writing, and follow these five steps.

  • Your name may be the key to your success: "Peter" and "Deborah" are the most popular names of CEOs on the professional social networking site LinkedIn, according to research by LinkedIn, which examines correlations between people's first names and their career choices.

  • Dealing with prospective clients, including the inconsiderate ones, is just part of the job for many of us. Fortunately, you can make the experience a little less frustrating and time-consuming. Here are a few tips I've picked up.

  • Location-based services such as Foursquare and Facebook Places haven't yet reached a tipping point: Although 56% of smartphone users are aware of geolocation apps, only 39% use at least one, according to a survey from White Horse.

  • If we've learned anything in the last few years, it's that the old marketing model is broken. As a result of a seismic shift in influence, marketers are just now learning the big secret about motivation—people respond more favorably to intrinsic rewards than extrinsic rewards.

  • Most marketers understand the value of good customer data, but they still struggle to organize and use it effectively: 62% cite "turning data into action" as their top marketing issue in 2011, according to a report by Unica.