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  • Convincing older business owners to invest in social media can be difficult—but it doesn't have to be. Learn five undeniable benefits of social media that could help make the case for a social investment.

  • Only one in five B2B marketing and sales professionals (20%) say their demand generation campaigns are fully effective, whereas 80% say they are ineffective to semi-ineffective, according to a survey from Corporate Visions.

  • Today's revenue-focused marketers need to be experts in inbound marketing. Learn why effective inbound marketing requires relevant, compelling content that is tailored to prospects at each stage of the buying cycle.

  • Despite the widespread use of social networks among US companies, only 11% have fully integrated social media into existing business programs, according to a study by InSites Consulting. Moreover, only 38% of companies say they share the outcomes of social interactions with the entire organization.

  • Generation Y is estimated to be the largest consumer group in US history, and marketers simply cannot afford to ignore the student segment. Learn why you should be marketing to college students—and how to do so effectively.

  • Whether you are selling complex technical systems or burgers with fried pickles on them—like my guests in this week's Marketing Smarts—you need to understand your customers and interact with them face-to-face.

  • Humorous ads consistently resonate best with viewers, regardless of the state of economy or year, according to a report by Nielsen, which examined the advertising effectiveness of more than 4,000 ads before, during, and after the "Great Recession."

  • How much can your company benefit from a timely rebranding? A business rebrand can make your business look good, and, more important, make your bottom line look good, too. Here are four reasons to rebrand your business.

  • Every generation contributes to the global conversation around brands, products, and services; however, Baby Boomers (those now age 47 to 65) are overrepresented in their share of online feedback, according to The Conversation Index by Bazaarvoice, which also found that Boomers tend to be more positive than other generations when leaving product feedback.

  • Today, brands are building social campaign experiences that spread from one brand loyalist to her friends—creating a powerful social loyalty loop that cultivates new brand loyalists. Learn four ways to fuel such a loyalty loop.

  • Virtually all of the nation's top MBA schools are using popular social media channels to promote their programs and recruit students, according to a study by the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Moreover, 82% of the MBA schools surveyed plan to increase their investment in social media over the next year, and all agree that social media is worth the investment.

  • ExploreB2B (with the help of CMI and MarketingProfs) has put together an Infographic that answers the "Why, What, How, and Where" of B2B content marketing.

  • Enterprise-grade mobile apps can equip sales teams with a set of high-impact selling tools. But not all apps are created equal. Learn the five essential elements of an effective sales app.

  • Increases in worldwide spam volumes have driven ISPs (Internet service providers) to impose tougher filtering standards on email deliverability, making it harder for email marketers to maintain high sender reputations and deliverability levels, according to a study by Return Path.

  • The consumers of Generation-Y are the next great decision-makers in the consumer world. Fortunately, marketing to Gen-Y is actually not as difficult as you might think. Here are five ways to appeal to Gen-Y.

  • Online consumers tend to be far more positive about brands that respond to their comments or complaints via public forums or social media channels rather than direct feedback methods such as email or phone calls, according to a report by Maritz Research.

  • If you aren't tailoring your marketing for a mobile audience, you could be selling your efforts short—and missing a huge opportunity to get results. Here are seven best-practices for reaping the most benefit from mobile.

  • What does it mean to have a holistic approach to content marketing and SEO? Since that's precisely what Lee Odden calls for in his new book, that's exactly what I asked him in this episode of Marketing Smarts.

  • With more than 180 million US Internet users watching some 36.6 billion online content videos in May 2012, video ads posted another month of record-breaking gains, surpassing the 10-billion mark for the first time on record, according to data from the comScore Video Metrix service.

  • Countless solutions have been developed to automate lead-scoring, but those scores don't provide salespeople much valuable information. Learn a practical six-question scoring system that effectively evaluates and qualifies leads.