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  • Protecting your brand, one of the most fundamental aspects of your market presence, is not something that should be taken lightly or ignored. From the very beginning of your business, you need to create and maintain a solid intellectual property (IP), patent, and copyright strategy.

  • A recent content marketing study from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute found that B2B marketers are uncertain about whether they are effectively using content marketing tactics. This infographic captures and presents some key data from that study, including about budgets, social presence, and content challenges.

  • Legitimate marketing messages account for an alarming 70% of "this is spam" complaints in consumers' inboxes, underscoring just how important it is for marketers to keep email lists up to date and make use of email marketing best-practices, according to a report by Return Path.

  • Whether you're looking to move beyond the occasional tweet or you're aiming to further polish your approach, here are some tips for how you, as a B2B marketer, can take full advantage of Twitter as a marketing tool.

  • Among the brands listed on the Interbrand Top 100, more than nine in ten (95%) use Twitter and nearly one in four (23%) use it as a customer service platform (i.e., they have a Twitter handle dedicated to customer service), according to a new report by Simply Measured.

  • Any e-commerce site owner knows the frustration resulting from the abandonment of a full shopping basket. But the most likely causes of a high rate of abandonment are few, and they're relatively simple to rectify. Here are three key areas that can generate improved conversions if you pay attention to them.

  • BusinessNext Social conducted a study of CMOs in the Fortune 100 to see which of them were most socially active in 2012. Surprisingly, only one in five Fortune 100 top-level marketing/communications executives have an active public presence on social networks, the analysis found.

  • Only one-third (35%) of small business owners cite social media as a beneficial tactic for their business, though views about the benefits of social marketing vary by industry, according to a survey from Hiscox.

  • Online video is a highly engaging and versatile tool for B2B marketing and lead generation, including tradeshow marketing. This brief case study shares how a B2B technology company used online video to increase in-person tradeshow meetings with targeted decision makers by 218%.

  • Though consumers and marketers are fairly aligned in their focus on Facebook—similar proportions of each segment use the social networking site—marketers tend to be out of synch with their audiences regarding the use of other popular social channels, according to a study by Pitney Bowes Software.

  • Don't just try to move up a few places in search results with your SEO efforts; rather, turn a visit to your website into a better experience and help your site to naturally grow in popularity.

  • John Jantsch believes that if businesses are to grow, they need to be ready, willing, and able to change. To navigate and instigate such change, business leaders need a clarity of purpose and they need to set big, audacious goals.

  • Bolstered by Internet advertising—particularly social media and online video—global ad spend growth is forecast to strengthen over the next three years, rising from an estimated 3.3% growth in 2012, to 4.1% growth in 2013 and 5.6% growth in 2015, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia.

  • As marketers, we instinctively realize it's impossible to pinpoint when our prospects will be buying. That's why it's critical not just to keep in touch but also to make sure your company shows up in all of the right places when the prospect is selectively attracted to buy from you.

  • From Nov. 22 to 26, 2012, some 50 million tweets related to Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping were generated, with peaks of nearly 100 tweets per second, according to a report by DataSift.

  • Today, we've launched a far simpler and cleaner homepage that we think helps visitors make sense of MarketingProfs and directs them efficiently and easily to the content they are looking for.

  • Your banner ads aren't all about the click-throughs and immediate purchases. Brand retention and recognition are key goals of online advertising, because you want customers to seek you out when ready to make purchases.

  • Content marketing continues to be an integral strategy for B2B companies; however, objectives for content strategies are shifting toward thought leadership and educating the market, according to a survey from Curata.

  • Big Data, applied to marketing, is transforming how marketers in myriad industries attempt to reach consumers. But achieving meaningful returns from Big Data investments can be an elusive goal. Here are five of the best ways to increase the ROI you achieve on your Big Data expenditures.

  • Over the years, many have augured the death of email, most recently foretelling that social media would make email obsolete. Nevertheless, for marketers, email remains an invaluable, even indispensable, tool. And this infographic from Eloqua spells out why.