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  • Pages on the mobile websites of Fortune 100 companies take five seconds on average to load, much longer than Google's recommendation of one second or less, according to a recent report by The Search Agency.

  • Over the last few months Google has secretly rolled out an algorithmic update called "Hummingbird." Upon hearing of it, many in the SEO community panicked...

  • Google has delivered a one-two punch in the past few weeks, announcing that organic keyword data will no longer be available and that it has released the Hummingbird update.

  • During the first half of 2013, there was a 355% growth of social spam on the typical social media account, according to a recent study by Nexgate.

  • I once had to call on a prospect 52 times before we were invited to pitch. But the last client I picked up at my current firm took exactly one call and a meeting over beers. Exact same result. Far less effort and expense.

  • Most content marketing is intelligent and strategic and professional. But it's also a bit... limp. Middle-of-the-road. Safe. It's lacking the "C word." But Ann Handley pointed out it's lacking something else, too.

  • Presentation expert Nancy Duarte shares tips for creating marketing presentations that persuade, and talks about how she and her husband disrupted the graphic design industry with the startup they ran out of their California apartment.

  • Nearly half of companies (46%) now have formal content marketing strategies, and 37% are considering such strategies, according to a recent survey.

  • Digital consumers often give personal data to retailers, banking institutions, and healthcare organizations. But who, and in which industry, do consumers trust the most?

  • Not enough time to find the best content to share with your audience? Too many articles to read to keep up with what's going on in your industry? These seven low-cost tools will help you to find and share great content.

  • Industry media sites are the most common source of content shared by B2B marketers on Twitter, accounting for 62% of all content shares, according to a recent analysis by Leadtail.

  • I hear a lot of excuses about why marketing automation won't work: My company is too small; my product is too transactional; my leads don't respond; my porridge is too cold...

  • C-suite leaders say changes in technology are dramatically affecting their operations and forcing them to overhaul every aspect of their business, according to a new report by IBM.

  • If your company hasn't yet considered using responsive Web design, you might well want to, especially if many of your website visitors are using mobile devices to access your site content. Any many probably are...

  • Get the skinny on the job-quitting video that went viral... and the shafted company's viral-worthy response. See how Breaking Bad's finale played out online... and among brands. Learn to build your social ROI. And find out what playlist preferences tell us about (what else?) buying preferences. Skim to the beat of the sales drum.

  • So what do C-suite executives need to know about SEO? (Hint: it has more to do with enterprisewide collaboration than actual SEO skills like programming or copywriting.)

  • As of May 2013, 15% of American adults age 18 and older do not use the Internet or email, according to a recent report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

  • Despite your overwhelming work schedule, you can still capitalize on social media for learning and for supporting your career and business objectives. Here's how.

  • Email marketing is the perfect tool to grow your website traffic or boost your Web shop's conversion rates. But to do so, recipients first have to click the hyperlinks you included in your email.

  • After several false starts, mobile advertising has now truly taken off and is forecast to account for 37% of all growth in global ad expenditure this year, and 31% in 2014, according to a recent report by ZenithOptimedia.