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  • How can B2B marketers strategically engage their customers this year? Here are five key customer engagement strategies that can set B2B marketers up for a return to growth in 2021.

  • What makes a memorable customer experience? How can brands differentiate themselves via the customer experience they provide? CX wizard Jeannie Walters shares her insights, including how understanding what's in your customers' hearts is key to success.

  • Losing the occasional customer is an inevitable reality—but it doesn't have to be the end. The right targeted content techniques can both win back people who stopped using your service and ensure they never stray again. Just follow these five steps.

  • Search volume for a range of marketing tactics increased between January 2019 and October 2020, according to recent research from Fractl and SEMRush.

  • Engineers place the most value on information-heavy content, such as datasheets, case studies, and whitepapers, when making purchasing decisions about products and services, according to research from TREW Marketing and GlobalSpec.

  • The popularity of Agile Marketing is growing, and it's easy to see why: When plans are turned upside down by a black swan event, marketers are naturally drawn to an approach that lets them change course quickly. Here are three tips for adopting Agile methods.

  • Many of us still rely on traditional content types to drive our content marketing and thought leadership. It's time for that to change: Your company podcast contains all the content you need in easy-to-repurpose conversations. Here's the why and how-to.

  • If your marketing team is like most, it spends a lot of time and energy cultivating qualified leads for the sales team. But it may be missing out on lots of other helpful ways to enable sales and create shared success. Now's the time to expand Marketing's efforts to help Sales sell better—and more. Sponsored by Seismic.

  • Many buyers are hesitant to try new B2B tech vendors and products, but they can be persuaded to do so with better pricing, deep experience, innovative solutions, and professional peer reviews, according to research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • Launching a new product or service comes with plenty of PR headaches. Your press release announcing your news shouldn't be one of them. Still, marketers commit one of the biggest mistakes of a launch when they get the press release wrong. Here's how to get it right.

  • What's old will be new again in typography during 2021. The Word Counter predicts that classic looks such as serif fonts, psychedelic vibes, and the brutalist aesthetic could make a comeback this year.

  • How do you earn (and keep) people's trust after a year like 2020? Stephen Denny shares insights from his new book (co-written with Paul Leinberger), Unfiltered Marketing: 5 Rules to Win Back Trust, Credibility, and Customers in a Digitally Distracted World.

  • The full effects of 2020 on marketing budgets in 2021 have yet to be felt, but it's safe to say marketers will have to focus more than ever on ROI. To ensure your marketing strategy gets peak returns this year, emphasize these three important areas.

  • A recent infographic from DirJournal explores why link signals still matter for search rankings, what makes a link "good" according to Google's guidelines, and how businesses can build better link profiles.

  • Content managers say the top challenges they face with their jobs are getting quality content and dealing with a lack of strategy, according to recent research from Hero's Journey Content.

  • The accelerated transfer of B2B business to digital-only formats has emphasized the importance of sales enablement technology. Even after the pandemic, digital-first attitudes are likely to persist—so ensure your sales enablement tech strategy measures up.

  • Going green is usually associated with consumer awareness, so it may seem irrelevant to consider for a B2B company. Not so: from financial benefits to positive PR opportunities, B2B marketers have a lot to gain from embracing the sustainable practices of their B2C counterparts.

  • In this B2B Backstage keynote with global positioning expert, April Dunford, you'll discover how to develop a "Point of View" narrative that will give your prospects and customers a clear way to think about their choices in the market and make it clear that your brand is the superior choice.

  • Content creation is one of those tasks organizational leaders should do but rarely find the time for. Extracting content, or even content ideas, from executives and internal experts is a major challenge for marketers. Here are six practical ways to get the content you need.

  • Marketers say real-time marketing, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are the three emerging technologies that will have the most impact on their strategies in the year ahead, according to recent research from Ascend2.