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  • Some people say the sites that sell the best are the porn sites, and you could learn a thing or two from them. Bad logic plus a titillating topic to attract readers, despite information that is total nonsense.

  • The wireless web is taking off and reports that web ads may work. Well, watch out for free-riding! Here's a story we ran last year that is still relevant.

  • Looking for a formula that guarantees powerful and effective strategies in marketing, advertising and sales? The Grok has one for you here...using 5 simple letters.

  • We usually think about words and pictures to help drive sales. What about color, sound and other things that can also be used? We'll tell you what research has revealed.

  • Internet advertising and banner ads are in the news these days. Here's an article we ran last year that gives our opinion on this hot topic.

  • Learn how to put critical information under the customer’s nose – and watch your business begin to buzz.

  • We first published this back in March of 2000. As we wait for a definitive ruling on Napster by the U.S. District Court, here's a second look at the inevitable consequences of ignoring consumers.

  • If it's not rational, what is it? We often forget this basic idea in marketing, and forgetting it is deadly.

  • Before using CRM (Customer Relationship Management software), you first need to really understand your customers. Read what the Grok says and then follow it up with our articles on CRM. You'll see we agree, and then some.

  • The holidays are over, but what have we learned about e-marketing? It turns out that people's basic social needs are still intact.

  • He couches it in new jargon, but underneath its the same old marketing ideas of years ago.

  • Verizon is the new name for a company jointly owned by Bell Atlantic, Vodafone/Airtouch PLC and others. But what does it mean? We discuss the meaning of names and the relevance for marketing.

  • Sites like and others are showing Hollywood's moves onto the Internet. But the Internet has a long way to go as a Hollywood entertainment medium.

  • Barnes & Noble and others are making a serious attempt at the market for e-books. But they're missing a key element, and it spells problems ahead.

  • We get letters from thoughtful visitors. Here is one on the subject of consumer loyalty. Everyone talks about loyalty, but here is a view that goes beyond the superficial.

  • Research studies come out all the time about consumer behavior on the net. Most report the obvious. Internet companies don't need this research, but do need better execution and more faith that people are people, online and off.

  • May I Marketing


    Here's a short, clearly articlulated view of permission marketing. Consider the importance of the database and how it integrates into this marketing tactic.

  • We get letters from thoughtful readers. Here is one that continues our previous article on the problems with start-up companies

  • This is an updated version of our debunking article. The point: There are no new e-marketing rules...just people who think there are.

  • Sprint's service is lousy, and they make it hard to upgrade to the wireless web. But will the rest of the cell phone industry follow by stranding customers with outdated equipment?