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  • Here's your chance to see what your colleagues advise James to do about his brand's erosian at the hands of spam. Also, give your own two cents to Joan, who complains, "Help! My CEO is a roadblock!"

  • It’s axiomatic that businesses want to increase their top line (revenue) or decrease their middle line (expenses), often at the same time. The million-dollar question is how to do it.

  • Here are a number ways email list managers can avoid spam complaints.

  • n part one, we looked at the problems many of you face with your Web analysis and reporting. This week, we offer some solutions.

  • Increasingly, a company’s branding success depends less on what they sell, and more on how they sell it. In a highly competitive market, with near parity products and barely discernible branding campaigns, sales channel effectiveness is the new key to branding success.

  • Issues inherent in Web data analysis make it difficult to get accurate, insightful data. Here are five ways your data can be skewed by the very technology you seek to leverage.

  • Learning mail order advertising techniques is one of the most important sales and marketing skills you can obtain. Here are eight tips to start you off on the right track.

  • s marketers we are in the business of mindfully structuring appearances and messages to create an attractive experience that is calculated to persuade. But are customers changed even a little by regular exposure to these structures?

  • hael doesn't think it’s fair to criticize advertising campaigns—picking apart someone else’s hard work is for non-achievers. But today, he's compelled to make an exception.

  • The Internet has changed how organizations manage. Historically, management was focused on “walking and talking.” Today, “reading and writing” are becoming more and more central.

  • Many large companies—the Goliaths—have played it conservatively. They have stayed true to their customers and socked away their excess cash for a rainy day. Well, it’s raining now.

  • We've identified what has become known in current marketing-speak as the "metrosexual."

  • To better understand how people’s distortions, shortcuts and biases affect how you market to various stakeholders, you should be aware of people’s thinking patterns and perceptual filters, including your own.

  • Self-disclosure is the hardest piece of the communication puzzle. Yet, it's critical.

  • The Web may once have been the almost exclusive domain of techies. Today, it is increasingly the domain of communicators.

  • he positioning a product is obvious if a market exists already. But what about avant-garde or cutting-edge products and services? How do you position a brand-spanking-new product when the so-called market doesn't know what it is, let alone have a sense of its value?

  • There are a number of tricks we can use to beat the affliction, and they work for pretty much everything from an email to a brochure or business proposal.

  • As a presenter, shift away from expressing your individual style of communicating. Instead, adapt your presentation to the audience’s style of decision-making.

  • f you want to get across just how important Web metrics can be, here's what you need to explain to your boss, depending on what type of boss you have.

  • Here's how you can differentiate your list from your competition's and command an even higher CPM.