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  • YouTube was far and away the most-visited online entertainment venue in July, alone accounting for as many visits as the next 11 websites in the top 15 in the entertainment category, according to Hitwise data.

  • The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had retreated in July, rebounded in August and now stands at 54.1 (1985=100), up from 47.4 in July, The Conference Board reported.

  • CaringBridge—a nonprofit web service that connects people during a critical illness, treatment, or recovery—was by far the most-visited website in July in the "Community" category, followed by the Animal Rescue Site, according to Hitwise.

  • Here's how Nature Made is combining email and social networking to build stronger email connections with customers and prospects.

  • If you are going to implement a corporate social responsibility program, do so responsibly. A poorly executed program can negatively affect the business in many ways. It takes one missing element, one arrogant blogger, or one angry ex-employee to publicly point out the failings of the good works that the company is so proudly touting. When done well, a socially responsible program is a tremendous advantage to the entire business. When done carelessly, it can be ruinous.

  • Your own keyword analytics data is the most valuable marketing asset of your company. In fact, the data contained in the keyword report from your Web-analytics application (which tells you how people are finding your site through paid and organic search) is much more valuable than traditional marketing data, such as customer surveys and demographics. Surveys and customer personas still have a place in online marketing, but keywords are a far more effective targeting vehiclee. Here's why.

  • We're five or so years into the "Era of Accountability," and what do we have to show for it? Is marketing any closer to demonstrating to CEOs and CFOs what they're getting for their money? Are we marketers more comfortable in our own skins, confident of our ability to measure and improve the effectiveness of our strategies and programs? Unfortunately, the answers to all these questions are not what we'd expect, considering that accountability has been at the top of the vast majority of marketers' to-do lists for as long as it has.

  • The eBay Motors site is far and away the most popular automotive-industry website, accounting for nearly 20% of all traffic to the category, according to Hitwise.

  • Online ads that are integrated into the content of a page, such as half banners and rectangles, are the most effective in driving online ad awareness and purchase intent, according to recent research.

  • The recession is bottoming out and economic activity will likely begin to recover soon, the Conference Board's composite economic indexes suggest, the Conference Board said.

  • The websites of the Food Network and All Recipes battled it out for the July top spot among food & beverage websites in the US, according to Hitwise.

  • As the global recession grinds on, marketers continue to turn to email marketing to drive sales. But those efforts often confront email-deliverability obstacles: In the US and Canada, more than 20% of commercial email doesn't reach subscribers' inboxes.

  • The top community-related search terms in June were led by "freecycle," "aarp," and "ymca." The top 15 terms deal mostly with nonprofit and charitable organizations.

  • The websites of search giant Google, social-media leader Facebook, and Yahoo's email service topped the list of websites in the computers & Internet industry in July, according to Hitwise.

  • To drive response and determine the appropriate marketing mix in this new digital paradigm, marketers must adopt a fresh approach to understand how to influence prospects and customers. By doing so, marketers can maximize marketing spend and generate stronger return on investment.

  • Suppose you learned that most of your brand's buyers are switchers: that only 15% of your customers are highly loyal to your brand and account for maybe half of sales. The harsh reality is that that's a typical pattern for many grocery brands. So how do you build a marketing plan to support the other half of your sales—the half that comes from buyers who are not really loyal to your brand?

  • There's no one-size-fits-all solution to survival during challenging times. But there are some strategies that will help no matter what situation you and your business are in.

  • "Do more with less." That is the challenge for software marketers today: to get better results from their marketing programs on increasingly smaller budgets. It's important for software marketers to analyze the effectiveness of their programs and determine their return on investment (ROI), because a careful look will reveal that some methods produce better returns than others.

  • Social media measurement is top of mind among marketers surveyed in an informal poll by MarketingProfs: 47% of respondents say social media measurement is important to them.

  • Marketers continue to grapple with effectively allocating media in a changing consumer-controlled marketplace in which social media is a growing force. But who are these consumers using social media, what are their social-media usage patterns, and do they actually buy anything?