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  • Among US smartphone owners, some 90% of the media they interact with (about 4.4 hours a day) is screen-based, and most of them (90%) move sequentially among multiple screens (TV, smartphone, tablet, and computer) to accomplish various tasks over time, according to a Google study.

  • This article teaches you the nitty-gritty of a powerful content marketing tactic that makes use of two of online marketing's most powerful tools: SEO and social media. The benefits you'll derive are invaluable.

  • Facebook is hugely popular today, but how does its future look? Most (54%) Americans expect the social networking site to last another 5-20 years, but nearly one-quarter (24%) say Facebook won't be around in 5 years, according to a survey from Forbes Insights.

  • To find out moms' thoughts about mobile during the back-to-school season, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Meredith's Parents Network conducted a national survey of moms.

  • Armed with smartphones, shoppers are going to brick-and-mortar stores to evaluate products—then, often while still in the store, buying them online to get deals. That's "showrooming." Here's what you can do about it.

  • Google Android and Apple continued to expand their share of the US smartphone market during the three months ended July 2012: Apple captured 33.4%, up 2.0 points from the previous three-month period, while Android reached 52.2%, up 1.4 points, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service.

  • How much is a $3 ashtray purchased at a yard sale worth on eBay? If it includes a short story by William Gibson, then it's worth $101. Still don't believe in the alchemistic powers of a great story? Read on.

  • Among mobile Web users in the US, mobile media (via phones and tablets) was the the most popular way to consume media content in the second quarter of 2012: Mobile media accounted for 2.97 hours of the total 9.00 hours spent consuming media via all platforms during the day, outpacing TV at 2.35 hours, according to a report by InMobi.

  • Has your organization ever created buyer personas? If so, did you ever use them? Many don't—because they don't create truly useful personas in the first place. Ardath Abee lays out key elements of personas you can really use.

  • The best B2B marketers are successful because they start with building a brand. In other words, the best B2B marketers think like B2C marketers. And here's just how they think and what they do.

  • More than three-quarters (77%) of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012, according to the 2012 Luxury Brand Study by Martini Media, a new study based on a poll of 400 agency marketers who serve luxury brands.

  • Companies often don't practice what they preach (or sell)—a classic case of "the cobbler's children have no shoes." Agencies and marketers are not exempt. Here's a guide to help you succeed at internal marketing.

  • The use of blogging, Facebook, and Twitter among the nation's largest companies—those listed on the 2012 Fortune 500—has surged in 2012, according to a new study by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.

  • Marketers far and wide know the value of content marketing. But delivering a high volume of quality content that is profitable and efficient poses operational challenges. Here's a way you can overcome those challenges.

  • E-commerce is booming again! Now, online merchants have a lot of choices when selecting shopping carts and hosting platforms. Lexity has put together an infographic after studying the e-commerce landscape.

  • People are renting fewer full-length movies as they shift from physical to digital media, according to a report by The NPD Group: The total number of movies rented by Americans in the first half of 2012 fell 10% from the same period a year earlier.

  • It's an old adage: Driving increased sales from your current customers is easier than acquiring new customers. But when marketing via email, a lot of businesses seem to be missing an opportunity that's right in front of them.

  • Americans are tired of managing their online identities: 38% say they'd rather tackle household chores such as folding laundry or scrubbing toilets than come up another new user name and password, and 38% say achieving world peace would be a more manageable task than trying to remember all their passwords.

  • One of the first things consumers look for when making a purchase is a review of the product or service they're interested in. They look to their peers for input and advice and trust them far more than they do the brand, especially if they've had little or no interaction with it.

  • HubSpot's Kipp Bodnar discusses why so few B2B companies blog, how to develop a social media strategy, and what roadblocks companies encounter when trying to implement their strategy (if they actually have one!).