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  • Selecting the right qualitative researcher for your marketing project is critical, because a lot of money and your credibility are on the line. So make sure to ask these five questions when selecting a qualitative researcher/moderator.

  • It is that time of year again, when employees are forced to attend a "morale-building event" that does nothing of the sort. But if you consider these five elements, a holiday party actually can be a fabulous bonding opportunity and an event to look forward to.

  • Tom Martin—founder of Converse Digital and author of The Invisible Sale—discusses his secrets for using content and social networking to drive business growth without cold calls, advertising, or pitching.

  • Just under one-third (30%) of US shoppers and 40% of UK shoppers use their smartphones when shopping in brick-and-mortar stores, according to recent study by Usablenet.

  • Declining email open rates... Chances are, they bother you as a marketer. Don't fret, here's both a diagnostic checklist as well as suggestions on alternative, more useful ways to measure email marketing performance.

  • Holiday shoppers are more likely than ever to use their smartphones and tablets while doing their errands. Check out five ways to reach those mobile holiday shoppers.

  • The majority (62%) of digital content publishers now offer native advertising opportunities, such as sponsored blog posts, and 41% of brands have already run native advertising campaigns, according to a recent report by Hexagram and Spada.

  • We set out to identify the most annoying online social behavior, and based on the results of a poll we conducted on Facebook, we devised this voting bracket to crown a winner.

  • New accountability expectations across sales and marketing departments, coupled with increased demand for online content, are changing the playing field for sales teams. How you connect with your prospects can ultimately have an impact on meeting sales goals.

  • Some of the most popular tactics for acquiring email subscribers aren't viewed by marketers as especially effective, but they are widely used because they are easy to implement, according to a recent report by ExactTarget.

  • Many email marketing ideas we hold true are actually false. Here's a quick look at seven prevalent myths about email marketing.

  • Get a load of Internet Explorer... as an anime character. Also learn the latest on G+, how users consume Facebook news, and why people don't like companies that use socnets to recruit. Also, Forrester welcomes us to the digital revolution (just now?)! Skim for your social lift.

  • As customers change, the channels of engagement morph, and data explodes, ultimately it's going to be the partnership between IT and Marketing that will be the lynchpin to grasping new, emerging opportunities.

  • Three-quarters of US children 8 and under now have access to some type of "smart" mobile device at home (such as a smartphone or tablet), a jump from 52% just two years ago, according to a recent report by Common Sense Media.

  • Professional services marketing is not normally known for early adoption of cutting-edge techniques, likely because its role tends to revolve around reducing risk for clients. But the world has changed, and there's now a new normal.

  • Rich media, social media, and native advertising may be making the headlines these days, but let's face it: They don't work for everyone. You know what does? Email marketing. Nothing delivers results like email.

  • One in seven shoppers (14.3%) have already started buying presents for the holidays, and another 11.8% plan to start before Thanksgiving, according to a recent report by Burst Media.

  • Real-time marketing isn't necessarily new, but marketers are now scrambling to understand how they can integrate it into their marketing mix. Here are a few tips to get started.

  • Some of the most progressive brands have discovered quantifiable marketing success in what may seem like an unlikely place: philanthropy. Here's how you can align your marketing with philanthropy using existing marketing assets.

  • Using paid advertising to borrow someone else's audience isn't sustainable. Jeffrey K. Rohrs explains how to build a "push-button audience" that will serve as a renewable energy source for your company.