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  • Most emails sent by marketers in the second quarter of 2016 were opened on mobile devices, according to recent research from Experian.

  • Until the Perfect Landing Page is created—an imaginary creature, no doubt—we will continue tweaking and testing and arguing the merits and faults of every landing page element. But these three unexpected tips will improve your landing page.

  • Technical skills related to data analysis are most in demand by employers who want to fill marketing jobs, but few candidates with with those abilities are available, according to recent research from Venngage.

  • Today's sales team is a far cry from the disorganized, disconnected sales team of the past. Modern sales teams rely on teamwork; moreover, they have specialized roles and they are empowered by technology.

  • This week's social roundup is all about community (and money). Apple puts Facebook's WhatsApp and other messaging platforms in its crosshairs, while YouTube introduces a new community feature. Also: Facebook's latest plans to make users shop on Messenger, and why B2B brands shouldn't shy away from Snapchat.

  • People like to be catered to, but not pandered to. Doubly so when they're at the receiving end of a marketing campaign. And especially so if they're Millennials. So here's advice from a Millennial on how to actually reach young customers.

  • Consumers say dealing with flight delays and cancellations is the most stressful part of traveling, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • Just how valuable is brand admiration, and what impact does it have on your brand's bottom line?

  • Journalists say they respond best to email subject lines that are tailored to their beats, according to recent research from Fractl.

  • Stonewall Kitchen CEO John Stiker shares the story of how two entrepreneurs grew their homemade jam and jelly business into an international success through content marketing, social media, and brand engagement.

  • The story of the Trojan Horse seems a simple tale, but it was a stroke of strategic genius that took concerted effort to pull off. And there are important business and marketing lessons to be learned from it.

  • Travel industry marketers say search, email, and social media are the top digital drivers of customer acquisition, according to recent research from Performance Horizon.

  • What's the state of social media around the world? Check out these stats regarding global users, preferred platforms, and much more!

  • In our fast-paced, always-on, agile, want-it-yesterday, mile-a-minute world... there is a critical need to slow down. Why? Because doing so allows you to achieve real results—faster.

  • Millennials in the US are heavy users of Facebook's platforms, they are less worried about privacy than are older consumers, and they are still influenced by email campaigns, according to recent research from Fluent.

  • Print collateral is still an important sales and marketing medium. To produce strongly branded, high-impact print media, you need to know what materials work best together. So here are must-know basics about printers, ink, paper, and collateral types.

  • Executives say email and search are the two marketing channels for which it is easiest to measure return on investment (ROI), according to recent research from Millward Brown.

  • Paths to the C-suite can vary widely. Some are straightforward; others involve twists and turns. Check out how some of the world's top tech CMOs got to their position.

  • Snapchat seems to be taking the reins of the social media realm, with projections that its ad revenues will reach nearly $1 billion next year and speculation that it will build hardware, such as augmented reality glasses. Also: Google's attempt to socialize shopping, Twitter's latest attempt to monetize Periscope, and ways to target business prospects using Facebook ads.

  • Your product is naked in front of all of your prospects, and they're highlighting not just its obvious beauty and strengths but also its small blemishes, stained teeth, and bad haircut. That's not a nightmare. That is the reality in our age of technology.