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  • Consultant and author Mike Goldman ("Performance Breakthrough: The 4 Secrets of Passionate Organizations") explains how to enhance your company's performance by hiring for natural talent and core values and creating the right culture for success.

  • Back-to-school shoppers are visiting multiple retailers rather than simply going to one-stop stores, according to a recent report from Cardlytics.

  • To increase engagement and overall effectiveness of email campaigns, marketers need to focus on inboxing. Why? Because higher inboxing rates translate into higher open, click, and conversion rates, all of which ultimately affect program revenue.

  • Consumers around the world are becoming more confident about buying online. Check out these stats about the current state of e-commerce along with predictions about its future.

  • Do photos with above-average engagement on Instagram have any qualities in common? Does the use of tags lead to more likes and comments? Are people more likely to interact with images featuring certain filters and colors?

  • The vast number of available marketing technology options is proof that marketing is evolving into a technology-powered discipline. To ensure your tech investments truly help your organization thrive, make sure they constitute an effective, efficient, and sustainable "technology ecosystem."

  • Which digital marketing skills and job titles are highly sought after? And how much do those in-demand positions pay, on average?

  • How are social media teams structured in different organizations? Take a look at how yours compares with the 350 social media marketers' surveyed in this recent study.

  • Generations are shaped to some extent by the times in which they come of age, so it makes sense for marketers who wish to reach millennials to understand the forces and behaviors that drive this diverse group.

  • Find out how you can use deep-dive Twitter searches to improve your marketing. You'll also discover how to download your LinkedIn contacts' email addresses, up your Instagram game, and get a grip on what's going on with Google's Alphabet soup.

  • Some 80% of Millennial workers say they text with colleagues, and 60% say they text with their boss, according to a recent report from

  • You pour weeks into preparing for launch. You finally release the product and eagerly wait for sales to pour in. Yet, they don't. You blame the product: Should we add features? Are the colors wrong? But maybe, your copy is what's falling short.

  • For most marketers, coming up with content ideas is easy at first. We have them when we are at the gym, driving to work, or sitting at our favorite coffee house. But after a while, the well starts to run dry.

  • Google, driven primarily by video viewing at, ranked as the top online video content property in June, with 172.7 million desktop unique viewers from the United States.

  • Amanda Holmes became CEO of Chet Holmes International when she was 24, and she has proven an incredibly effective millennial CEO. Amanda shares her approach to sales, leadership, and more.

  • Delivering a great presentation is not only hard but also critically important to your business. If done correctly, a presentation often means the difference between getting that new customer or wondering what went wrong.

  • Some 88% of consumers in the United States say they have logged in to websites or mobile apps using their social media accounts—an 11% increase since 2014—according to two recent reports from Gigya.

  • If you don't continually re-examine your clients and your brand in order to communicate your company's unique selling proposition, you could be muddling your value or—worse—speaking to the entirely wrong audience.

  • Before you engage Millennials, you need to understand what drives them. Check out these stats about Millennials in the workforce and marketplace.

  • Which jobs feel the most meaningful? Do those rewarding professions pay well, or do they require a sacrifice in salary?