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  • Email campaign volumes and open rates improved in the fourth quarter of 2011: Average email volumes per client grew 21.0% over levels recorded a year earlier, while open rates increased 12.2% year over year, according to a report by Epsilon and the Direct Marketing Association's Email Experience Council.

  • Almost inevitably, every website will encounter a problem of some kind. Many online marketers lack the technical skills to make website fixes themselves. So how can they effectively mitigate a website problem?

  • Word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations from friends and family and user-generated content (UGC) are sources most trusted for information about the products people want and need, according to a new report by Nielsen.

  • The following decision tree will help you decide whether to hire or contract your marketing team. Why even consider the question? Because today's business climate requires agility and the ability to perform an ever-increasing set of tasks that require specialized talent, including marketing talent. This infographic flowchart will help clarify your choices.

  • Social media success is not just about gaining followers or "Likes." You need to track how many followers buy your products or subscribe to your services. Learn five steps to building a successful social CRM practice.

  • On April 9, 2012, Facebook announced its billion-dollar plan to acquire Instagram, a hugely popular photo sharing network with more than 30 million users. Traffic to Instagram's website had already been increasing steadily over the previous 24-week period, reaching 3.8 million visits as of April 7, over 55 times the 68,800 visits recorded six months earlier (October 22, 2012), according to a report by Experian Hitwise.

  • It's a no brainer. Local businesses that want to maximize their business results should implement hyper-local digital marketing. Learn key tips for effective local advertising that can help take your business to the next level.

  • Digital Natives, consumers who grew up with mobile technology, subconsciously move between devices and media platforms (e.g., TV, tablets, and smartphones) far more frequently than Digital Immigrants, those who learned about mobile technology in their adult lives, according to a study by Time Inc.

  • Marketing automation (MA) software allows marketers to manage prospect and customer databases, track activity, and personalize their messaging. Get the maximum benefit from your MA software by taking these five actions.

  • In this week's episode of Marketing Smarts, Ian Lurie, CEO of Portent Interactive, and Geoff Livingston, author and marketing strategist, offer unique perspectives on how to rescue marketing from itself.

  • Tablets are fast becoming the mobile shopping device of choice among consumers: 64% of tablet owners say they have made at least one purchase via their device in the previous six months, compared with 48% of smartphone owners who say the same, according to a new survey by Local Corporation and the e-tailing group.

  • To make social media work for your brand, you need a solid engagement strategy. Learn five engagement-strategy idea starters—and three key ingredients—for social media success.

  • Pinterest is now the third most popular social networking site in the US, behind Facebook and Twitter, according to a new report by Experian Hitwise. Web traffic to Pinterest surged 50% from January to February of 2012, enabling the invitation-only site to overtake LinkedIn, Tagged, and Google+ in total monthly visits, Experian reports.

  • No excuse justifies emailing like it's still 1999. Today, email marketing is about achieving optimal delivery, response, and financial benefits from the channel. Learn how to modernize your email marketing for success in 2012.

  • Email remains a powerful way to connect with customers and influence their buying decisions: 66% of online Americans say they have made a purchase as a result of an email from a brand, more than three times the percentage of people who have purchased in response to a message delivered via Facebook (20%) or text message (16%), according to a study by Exact Target.

  • Improving the lead-to-sales handoff at your company—and setting lead follow-up guidelines—can significantly boost ROI and help close Sales. Learn four invaluable handoff techniques you should be implementing.

  • Google Android continued to widen its lead in the US smartphone market in February 2012, crossing the 50% threshold to capture a majority share for the first time in its history, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service.

  • To get real business results from your social media efforts, you need to build a community, engage your audience, and create word-of-mouth. Learn how running a social campaign on Facebook can help you do just that.

  • Online video has moved to the mainstream: 81% of senior marketing executives now use online video content in their marketing programs, up from the 70% who did so a year earlier, according to a report by the Web Video Marketing Council (WVMC) and Flimp Media.

  • Mobile barcode campaigns can deliver a call to action, engage customers and prospects, and enhance the human experience as it relates to your brand. Learn seven key tips for launching a successful mobile barcode campaign.