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  • Some 182.5 million Americans watched 39.3 billion online content videos in March 2013, and the number of video ad views reached an all-time high of 13.2 billion, according to comScore Video Metrix data released this week.

  • Here's the quick-and-dirty guide to being an SEO "expert," which merely means you know more than the people around you. This article will accomplish that. Well, not really... But the building blocks are all here.

  • Whether you think it, believe it, or discard it... the truth is that buyer personas are the start of every successful campaign. Every marketer knows that understanding your buyer is key, but every smart marketer knows that standard demographics just won't cut it anymore.

  • When the need arises to train a large department within your organization on a new marketing campaign, or you find yourself having to relay crucial marketing information to partners or associates in a short amount of time, traditional e-learning methods just won't cut it.

  • As online video becomes a part of the marketing plans of a growing cross-section of advertisers, 72% of video buyers' budgets increased in the past year; moreover, 48% of those who buy online video advertising have added mobile video to their marketing arsenal.

  • Millennials grew up with the Internet, and they are used to having everything at their fingertips. After interviews with 21 global marketing executives, we defined a five-step plan for improving your marketing to Gen-Y.

  • Globalization brings exciting opportunities and enormous challenges for all parts of a business, but nowhere is that more apparent than in the marketing department. Here's how to avoid five common European marketing pitfalls.

  • Jason Falls of CafePress talks about cause marketing, Autism Awareness Month, and how businesses of any size can give back to the community.

  • The term "Big Data" keeps getting bandied about in business, but what does it mean exactly? And what makes data "big"? The following infographic by Wipro defines Big Data and highlights its importance.

  • Your customers, whether consumer or executive audiences, expect you to use the same mobile technology that has improved their lives to also improve the products and services they use: your offerings.

  • Even as events remain a vital part of the marketing mix, and a key channel for direct one-to-one customer engagement, marketing executives—lacking visibility into the conversion pipeline—don't have sufficiently effective methods for measuring the impact of events and tradeshows on sales and revenue (and therefore can't prove ROI).

  • The retail industry has recognized that critical events in customers' lives can shift loyalties, or serve as opportunities to retain or upsell via event-driven marketing. That approach can also work with B2Bs...

  • US social advertising revenues will grow from $4.7 billion in 2012 to $11.0 billion in 2017—a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.6%—while locally targeted social ad revenues are projected to grow at a 26.4% CAGR, from $1.12 billion in 2012 to $3.62 billion in 2017, according to a forecast by BIA/Kelsey.

  • Among online women, 75% use social media sites, whereas only 63% of online men do. To find out more about women's online social media activities and influence, check out the following infographic based on the Digital Women Influencers study.

  • So where does the line get drawn between a creative, compelling email subject line and one that is deceptive (and, therefore, illegal)?

  • The Boston Marathon topped headlines this week. See how social helped salve wounds, correct errors, and reconnect people. Also, the latest on LinkedIn ads, Twitter's just-launched #music, and Facebook's Open Graph Mobile. And social case studies from the likes of Coca-Cola, stats on SMBs' and B2Bs' social use, and Jeremiah Owyang's tips on becoming a truly open leader. Skim for an eye-opener.

  • If time spent online in the US via personal computers were compressed into one hour, 16 minutes of it, or 27%, would be spent on social networking and forums, according to data from Experian Marketing Services.

  • Like the word "content" itself, "content strategy" is often an ambivalent term. But, however you define it, any good content strategist should have these seven skill sets.

  • Marketing professionals can use their mobile phones to maintain efficiency on the go and professionally manage day-to-day communication demands by applying the following tips and mobile features.

  • Though frequently at odds, marketing and IT executives agree that harnessing Big Data is imperative to building a customer-centric corporate culture; they also agree that a lack of alignment, rigid silos, unclear responsibilities, and a lack of leadership impede an organization from using Big Data to its full potential.