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  • This week was full of surprises. Get the lowdown on Apple's big announcements (and what matters most to marketers). Check out Chirpify, which lets you take payments on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And find out what time to tweet suits your followers best. Skim for flying kisses (really...).

  • Competing on price is not a sustainable strategy for most businesses. So, instead of asking "how low can I go?" ask "how high can I set the bar to deliver an experience that connects with my customers?"

  • If offered comparable price and quality, 91% of consumers worldwide would switch brands to one associated with a good cause, according to a recent study by Cone Communications and Echo.

  • Now, more than ever, buyers have more control over the sales cycle. Marketers must therefore evolve with the buying cycle and find new ways to own the early part of the sales process. How? Here are a few steps in the journey toward a buyer-centric marketing automation strategy.

  • Cellphone owners across a broad range of educational and income levels have similar levels of Android adoption, but those from the upper end of the income and education spectrum are much more likely to own an iPhone, according to a recent Pew report.

  • "Be nice" isn't just advice for kindergartners: Nice businesses earn more money. Author Peter Shankman talks about the value of creating a "nice" corporate culture in his latest book, Nice Companies Finish First: Why Cutthroat Management Is Over—and Collaboration Is In.

  • Many see content marketing as just that—marketing. But smart marketers know that what they're delivering is a great story—so long as it's a true story, even if it's not perfect...

  • Gaps exist in digital marketers’ perceptions of how consumers want to engage with brands, what influences their purchase decisions, and how they view privacy, according to a recent report by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Lyris.

  • You know the importance of SEO, but building a program can be overwhelming. If the thought of SEO makes your head hurt, here's a tried and tested guide on how to create and execute a killer SEO keyword strategy.

  • How popular has branded content marketing become this year? According to recent research, brands and agencies continue to increase their spending for branded content marketing. Check out the following infographic for details.

  • Nearly one-quarter of chief marketing officers want a chief customer officer to take primary responsibility for understanding and interacting with the customer, whereas another quarter see the responsibility as their own, according to a recent report.

  • No matter what you're selling or promoting, video should be a consideration. Technology is no longer a hurdle, but coming up with the right message, tone, and approach can be. Here's a brief intro to bring you up to speed.

  • Email volume increased 11.6% in the first quarter of 2013 compared with the first quarter of 2012, and unique open rates increased 9.7%, according to a recent benchmark report by Experian Marketing Services.

  • All the talk about the importance of content marketing isn't just talk. Some 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and more than two-thirds of CMOs plan to increase their content marketing budget in 2013.

  • What does Salesforce’s ExactTarget buy mean for social sales? What does great branded content look like? How do you pick the right Twitter name, or tweak pictures for maximum Pinnability? And can you really brand a mixtape? Skim for enlightenment!

  • You want return visitors who are engaged by your blog content, because they are the folks most likely to convert to customers. The following "secrets" will help you turn casual visitors into loyal fans.

  • More than 8 in 10 people (83%) are satisfied overall with their online shopping experiences, but satisfaction drops below 50% when shoppers are asked about flexibility to choose delivery dates and shipping options, according to a recent report.

  • Finding nine minutes and spending them building your brand isn't difficult if you develop the nine-minute habit. Here are nine tips and tricks—and an infographic—for making nine minutes a day work for you.

  • Some 77% of European marketing students say Facebook is the most important social media tool a brand can use to communicate to their generation, according to a recent survey.

  • National Geographic has dominated print media for 125 years, and now the organization is staking its claim on social networks and photo-sharing sites. EVP and CMO Amy Maniatis discusses brand management, the power of content, and the importance of emerging platforms like Instagram and Google+ for increasing your brand's reach.