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  • Most marketers are still experimenting with influencer marketing, or they're running individual campaigns rather than maintaining ongoing programs, according to recent research from Altimeter, Traackr, and TopRank Marketing.

  • To build loyalty and retain customers, marketing teams can take these four steps that improve customer insights and the overall customer experience—and build lasting customer relationships.

  • Think content marketing is a new idea? Think again. And check out this infographic of content marketing's history—stretching from the days of cavemen to the present.

  • Most sales emails sent by businesses are never opened by their intended recipients, according to recent research from HubSpot.

  • This week: Facebook aims to optimize for video and so updates its algo; LinkedIn shows how it markets itself on LinkedIn; Snapchat files IPO; Facebook video on a TV screen near you; Twitter anti-abuse tools; social e-commerce; and much more!

  • Which of your social media connections are potential advocates for your B2B company, and how do you build an advocacy system around them?

  • Google continually updates its search algorithm, and marketers need to keep up if they want to rank high in search results. See the biggest updates from the past year—and what they mean for you—in one convenient infographic.

  • Consumers use apps on their mobile devices more than normal on Super Bowl Sunday, but use drops during the game itself, according to recent research from Appboy.

  • In 2017, marketers will be at the mercy of politics. Net Neutrality, a pillar of Cloud-based content, apps, and services, faces extinction. If the Web becomes a pay-for-performance utility, Cloud-based marketing strategies could become prohibitively expensive.

  • Mark Zuckerberg said at the end of 2015 that we would be in the "Golden Age of Video" for some five years. So... it's not over yet, and business owners' and marketers' growing access to video will only further the shift in our social feeds in 2017.

  • New technologies, combined with Big Data, have made personalization more doable than ever—and customers now expect customized communication. If you're not personalizing, you're missing out.

  • Most (84%) of marketing agencies say content will become more important to their clients over time, according to recent research from CopyPress.

  • Inbound marketer Adithya Murali of Techwyse shares his secrets to creating highly personalized, targeted emails at scale that inspire people to reply and act.

  • Jargon isn't necessarily gibberish. Use it right, and you can make your content more effective. But the most commonly used jargon doesn't do that at all.

  • Mobile e-commerce is growing, and the big opportunities are still ahead of us. Check out this infographic to see why consumers resist purchasing on mobile and what retailers can—and must—do to change that.

  • High-growth companies are more likely than lower-growth firms to use account-based sales approaches, focus on cold-calling, and employ tech-savvy salespeople, according to recent research from DiscoverOrg.

  • The past year provided fertile ground for social media goofs and gaffes. Many marketers apparently didn't do enough thinking before they clicked on the tweet, post, publish, or share button. Here are some of 2016's biggest social media fails and the lessons they can teach us.

  • Marketers have had a notoriously hard time converting e-commerce customers via social channels, but it doesn't have to be that way.

  • Videos created by B2B companies continue to be viewed mainly on desktop computers, and they are still mostly watched during the workweek, according to recent research from Vidyard.

  • Social media is already an important part of the customer experience. Which is why marketers are using social listening for better targeting during the customer journey. Here are the social listening capabilities you need in your marketing strategy for 2017 and beyond.