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  • When the calendar turns to spring every year (and the weather actually cooperates), most people begin an annual rite of passage: They shop. A lot. Check out how much, exactly, and how we marketers can meet their needs.

  • Facebook can be an effective way to reach your audience—because it offers a variety of ad placement options depending on your goals. Check out this infographic to learn how to get the most out of your Facebook ads.

  • Instagram influencers who have 1,000 to 5,000 followers tend to garner more engagement from their audiences than do influencers with larger followings, according to recent research from Mavrck.

  • Instagram influencers who have 1,000 to 5,000 followers tend to garner more engagement from their audiences than do influencers with larger followings, according to recent research from Mavrck.

  • VR has moved beyond just gaming and into many industries, including marketing. See what trends are expected with the technology and why marketers should pay attention.

  • Lawson Abinanti, B2B marketing and messaging strategy consultant, offers tips for positioning a B2B brand, and urges marketers to be "ruthless" by focusing on ideal buyers instead of diverting resources to one-off sales.

  • If your marketing campaigns aren't performing as well as you'd hoped, it may be that they're falling on deaf—or even alienated—ears. Here are five mistakes you need to stop making.

  • Snapchat and Instagram are the most popular social networks among American teens, according to recent research from Piper Jaffray.

  • Mobile marketing provides an ideal opportunity for marketers to speak to customers in the right place and at the right time. See three ways you can use mobile to connect with consumers in the moment.

  • Market leaders often take one of three paths to beat the competition. See which strategy can work best for your brand.

  • "GDPR" has been a buzzword lately, but it's an important one. Failure to comply with new European data regulations—even if your business is US-based—could mean serious consequences.

  • Website landing pages that contain a single call to action (CTA) garner a higher average conversion rate than those with more than one CTA, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • How can you add a new dimension to your infographics? Check out these 12 techniques for designing infographics that really shine.

  • Video can make for effective marketing content, but tracking its ROI can be tricky. Here are 10 metrics to monitor to help ensure your video investment is paying off.

  • B2B technology vendors tend to focus on various marketing and sales tactics that buyers don't find especially useful or trustworthy, according to recent research from TrustRadius.

  • By implementing routines to start and end your workdays, you can become less stressed and more productive. Here are 10 techniques you can begin using today.

  • E-commerce businesses have options for shipping: do it yourself, outsource to a fulfillment center, or dropship. Explore the pros and cons of each to find the right option for your company.

  • Some 82.5% of US digital display ads will be bought programmatically this year, according to recent research from eMarketer.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, Andy Crestodina will walk you through each step in the process for driving B2B leads with content marketing, from first action to final outcome. You'll learn how to become a dual-threat marketer by combining search and psychology, SEO with conversion optimization, and cheese and mousetraps. You'll leave with the tools to make your content drive the right leads to you.

  • The FTC's Telemarketing Sales Rule applies to everyone. Yes, there is a specific exemption for B2B calls, but marketers must understand the law and use caution.