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  • The pandemic has forced sales professionals to adopt digital approaches in lieu of face-to-face meetings. And without in-office support, marketing and sales leaders are struggling to support their sales teams. Here's how to set up your salespeople for success.

  • B2B buyers say the trait they value most in salespeople is active listening, and B2B sales managers say the trait they most value in salespeople is problem-solving, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • Instagram is not a platform that businesses can afford to ignore—but it can be challenging for businesses that don't have "Instagrammable" products or services to share. Especially if yours is a B2B brand. But Instagram is worth your time and investment.

  • How are B2B companies using webinars? Do they focus strictly on top-of-funnel lead generation? Or do they realize the potential webinars offer throughout the buyer's journey and after the sale? Let's look at some answers.

  • Analyzing critical search data trends during crises can help marketers pivot so they generate relevant content for their audiences, in turn improving website traffic and boosting sales.

  • Engagement with email campaigns was up for most industries during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, according to recent research from Campaign Monitor.

  • In the past two decades, content marketing has become an effective strategy for generating leads and nurturing them through every stage of the buying journey. Now, AI is poised to take marketing content to the next level.

  • The median conversion rate for business website landing pages across industries is just over 3%, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • One of our biggest problems as marketers is a tendency to be so customer-focused that we forget to apply our talents within our own organizations. Here are four ways we can position ourselves as leaders and catalysts for much-needed change.

  • The social media manager role revolves around managing social media channels on a daily basis, but the work has bled over into other marketing areas as well. Here's what it takes to do the job well.

  • We spend countless hours planning, building, and testing landing pages. Yet, they don't always perform as we expect them to. This article will provide inspiring examples and practical advice you need to make sure your next landing page is incredible.

  • "Unapologetic marketing truthteller" and on-demand communications specialist Katie Martell talks about the power of cause-aligned marketing as opposed to "pandering," and explains how to avoid the latter.

  • COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns have affected a host of industries and sectors in various ways. Part of the fallout has been the change in Web-use behavior, as well, along with digital marketing initiatives by major search and social media platforms. This infographic offers an overview.

  • Let's face our tough new reality: It's not easy to drive demand during this work-from-home era. Now, it's all about building operational agility into your marketing and customer experience. Here are three effective, data-reliant ways you can address your soft pipeline.

  • B2B sales and marketing have evolved rapidly. Digitization has transformed the way buyers research and procure products and services. Sellers no longer have control over the flow of information, and buyers' expectations have changed. Here's what B2B suppliers need to do to attract today's buyers.

  • Public relations and communications professionals say analytics and storytelling are the two tactics or skills that they anticipate will increase most in importance in the next 12 months, according to recent research from JOTW and Sword and the Script.

  • Behavioral economics expert and author Melina Palmer shares insights from her new book, What Your Customer Wants and Can't Tell You, and explains how you can use science to improve your marketing results.

  • With Covid-19 having rapidly shut down businesses across the world, more workplaces have sent their employees home—some of them indefinitely. Is that a viable solution? It is, if an emphasis is placed on trust. With trust, a remote team can thrive, benefiting employees and employers alike.

  • Our reality—living in a state of isolation, bombarded with messages about the importance of maintaining separation—is influencing the way we think and communicate. Our lack of social interaction is limiting our ability to communicate effectively. Including in our writing.

  • How do you vet a PR agency you want to hire? You want a strong agency partnership, but what does that even mean, and how do you start building one? Ask these seven questions when you're vetting and interviewing an agency.