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  • This week social got serious about customer support: Facebook's plans to improve sentiment tracking and talking to customers directly, Twitter's "Customer Feedback," Snapchat's tracking and services, and Foursquare's in-store traffic attribution.

  • Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have been two of the most talked about presidential candidates this election cycle by the press, but what about on social media? Which maverick US politician has the most followers on Twitter and the highest number of interactions per tweet?

  • Competitive intelligence often takes a back seat to performance indicators that marketers are daily concerned with (open rates, social metrics, conversions...). But that solely inward focus can lead you astray.

  • Unlike texting while driving, texting while selling is not dangerous; in fact, it can be invaluable in helping sales teams meet their numbers. But before you fire off texts to all your leads, keep these tips and tricks in mind.

  • Which elements of customer service are very important to consumers? What are the customer service issues that frustrate people most?

  • Identifying the ideal topics to curate—those most likely to engage your audience and support your content marketing strategy—is a key component of content curation.

  • Chuck Brinker, director of research solutions at SurveyMonkey, shares crisis communication tips for brands and explains data's role—before, during, and after a crisis—in helping your company come out on top.

  • Just under half (46%) of small business owners say their company does not have a website, according to a recent report from Clutch.

  • Is your marketing team rocking it? A stellar team is made up of strong talent willing to collaborate to drive audiences wild. Here's a look at the various roles of a marketing dream team.

  • Getting customers to engage is harder than ever. Yet, there's a direct relationship between engagement and revenue. The longer consumers spend time on your site, the more likely they are to buy from you.

  • B2B marketers say whitepapers and LinkedIn are the most effective digital content and social media tactics for generating leads, according to a recent report from DemandWave.

  • You as a marketer can take these five steps to address today's sales-force performance and productivity challenges and get the most out of your sales team right away.

  • Which industries have the highest open, click-to-open, and click-through email rates? How does the use of tactics such as tracking, targeting, and subject line testing vary by vertical?

  • As technology brings changes in how users consume content, publishers also need to adapt to those trends. Here's a look at the top trends in 2016.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to create a killer content marketing plan. We'll discuss why it's so important to have a well-documented strategy in place, as well as how to identify your distinct differentiators and create a unique story that will appeal to your target audience.

  • Next time your team is drafting a new piece of visual content, ask the following four questions before you pour hours and dollars into the project.

  • Facebook launches Messenger multiple accounts feature... and SMS testing for Android; Instagram introduces video views; Twitter incorporates a GIF library; and Shopify finds a way to embed product listings into any social conversation you please.

  • Most Americans say they have very little or no interest in political advertisements, according to a recent report from KSM Media and ORC International.

  • Before jumping in and spending precious dollars on Facebook video ads, use these tools and tactics to create a powerful paid video campaign.

  • The primary goal of user-experience (UX) design is to ensure your business remains aligned with the needs of your users. That's why UX should be a dedicated part of your website development process.