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  • Marketing strategist, educator, and best-selling author Mark W. Schaefer shares insights from his latest book, Known: The Handbook for Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age.

  • A buyer's journey is rarely a straight line, but agile selling can help your sales and marketing teams get buyers to the finish line faster. It's how you can make sense of a turbulent sales cycle.

  • Some 71% of Inc. 500 companies now have a written social media plan, according to recent research conducted by the Center for Marketing Research, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

  • Part 1 examined stimuli that get the attention of the decision-making portion of the brain. Part 2 explains how specific tactics appeal to the brain and improve the effectiveness of your marketing.

  • If an email is sent but not opened, does it make a sale? Probably not. Check out these tips on how to improve email open rates.

  • Most consumers find a brand's Snapchat account by being directed to the username, or by searching for the username, according to recent data from Snaplytics.

  • Choosing the right social network for your marketing campaigns is as important as the quality of the campaign's content. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube offer discrete opportunities and challenges.

  • Does your Instagram profile resonate with your audience as much as your posts do? Check out this infographic for tips on how to make your brand's entire Instagram experience as picture-perfect as it can be.

  • Consumers have steadily moved away from using Gmail's Tabs feature over the past few years, according to recent research from Return Path.

  • This week: The impending demise of apps and why companies need to start preparing; Twitter's new customer-service feature; Instagram's big change to help you tell brand stories; Facebook just turned WhatsApp into Snapchat; leads via Instagram; getting your business verified on Facebook...

  • For healthcare professionals, the days of hanging a shingle and waiting for patients is long over. So what are the best strategies for healthcare organizations, doctors, and physician practices in today's digital world?

  • Half of Instagrammers follow at least one business, according to this infographic that highlights 139 facts and stats about the image-sharing platform. See how Instagram is used and how your company can get in on the action.

  • For employees, the most important job benefit is health, dental, and vision insurance, according to recent research from Fractl.

  • Here are five ways to get smart about planning, implementing, and measuring video to ensure your video marketing campaign engages your audiences and achieves your objectives.

  • Measuring the impact and influence of organic LinkedIn activity is not easy. The social network's analytics features are limited for organic (i.e., not advertising-related) activity. But it's doable.

  • Successful inbound marketing content is no accident. This infographic walks you through seven steps to ensure your content generates leads, builds visibility, and is measurable. Consider it a journey to inbound enlightenment.

  • Marketers say personalizing content is the most effective account-based marketing tactic, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Many once-dominant brands find it tough to stay relevant today. Brand strategist Nicole Ertas offers tips for building a "free range" brand that reaches various types of buyers. She also discusses new buyer archetypes and how to appeal to each type.

  • Tradeshows can feel overwhelming unless you have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve. Luckily, you know exactly what you need to do to make a fantastic impression—thanks to an article you read about nailing your first tradeshow...

  • Just who are those elusive social media influencers, and what can they do for you? Check out this infographic to learn more about influencer marketing.