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  • Facebook's new News Feed, SXSW tips, tools for managing LinkedIn leads and gathering Twitter data, how-tos for hashtags and social branding, a study on social business, women and teens demographics, a Harlem Shakes wars infographic, and much more (including your dancing-pony fix). Skim for social sustenance!

  • Measurability is the battle cry of every digital marketer. The challenge is how to decide which measurements make sense based on campaign objectives. The ultimate challenge is how to optimize in real time to maximize impact on brand-marketing or direct-marketing objectives.

  • On March 8, 2013, SXSW will start rocking Austin with more than 1,000 conference sessions and 580 booths at its Interactive Festival alone. To help B2B marketers hit the places most relevant to them, Demandbase created this infographic.

  • Apple increased its share of US smartphone subscribers and its lead in the handset market in January 2013, according to data from the comScore Mobilens service. Though Android is still the top smartphone platform in the US with 52.3% market share for the three-month period ended January, Apple's share grew 3.5 percentage points, to 37.8% as of January.

  • Getting caught up in the content marketing frenzy is easy. But content delivered in the right channel, but at the wrong time in the customer's buying process, can be a wasted touch point. You need to synchronize mix and content with the customer buying journey and lifecycle.

  • Although the exponential increase in the availability of customer and business data has enhanced our ability to measure success, it has also increased our chances of misunderstanding and misinterpreting it. Avoid these common errors when setting out to measure your marketing efforts

  • People are watching more video content with their mobile devices: The proportion of total time spent watching online video via tablets and smartphones reached 8% at the end of December 2012, double the 4% recorded a year earlier, according to the 2012 Year-End Video Index Report by Ooyala.

  • Testing your online campaigns, landing pages, forms, website, and so on can't be an every-now-and-again thing. Testing must be iterative and ongoing if it is to produce results. Which means, among other things, that your organization must institute a culture of testing.

  • We are in the age of information overload, with a plethora of blogs for every topic imaginable. We don't have time to read everything. And we need to maximize value: We read content to learn, after all. Which is why marketers must create purposeful content.

  • The idea of unlimited customer insights, in real time, guiding every decision, is attractive. But before you embark on a Big Data project, separate the buzz from the reality of turning the hype into insight, business value, and, ultimately, increased revenue.

  • Google is the most popular Web destination among users of mobile devices, according to new data from Hitwise Mobile: Google attracted 17.27% of total Web traffic via mobile devices for the week ended February 23, 2013.

  • In 2012, an estimated 9.6 trillion text messages were sent out. What were all those texts about? Fortunately, you don't to have to read over someone's shoulder to find out. Leads360 did the research then created the following infographic.

  • Facebook presents a robust opportunity for your to reach potential and current customers. If used correctly, it increases brand awareness and advocacy, lowers service costs, and drives loyalty and incremental sales.

  • Cross-channel, customer-centric marketing—the practice of tailoring offers and promotions to consumers across multiple touch points based on their past shopping or browsing experiences—seems to increase buyer readiness, engagement, and sales activity, according to a study by MyBuys and the e-tailing group.

  • Content has always been, and will always be, the very foundation of marketing. Yet we are challenged with meeting the constant demand for consistently compelling content. These tactics will help you supply such content.

  • The outlook for marketers worldwide continues to strengthen, according to new data from Warc's Global Marketing Index. The headline GMI, a metric that combines trends observed in marketing budgets, trading conditions, and staffing levels, registered a reading of 56.2 in February 2013, up from 53.8 a month earlier.

  • Recently, the online world celebrated Social Media Week for the fifth year in a row. Find out which countries participated and who the top influencers were on Twitter that week.

  • The week was image-hot and real-time ready. Get the skinny on brands' use of Oscar time on social, Google Glass's user-generated content extravaganza, data on Instagram and Pinterest, why images are important in social marketing, what GIFs have to do with winning a crowd, and Adobe’s Photoshop Touch for iPhone. Need more? Updated stats on LinkedIn, social recruitment with Pealk, and YouTube to attract talent. Skim toward the Singularity!

  • The most difficult task in marketing is to get people to take the action you want them to take. But once they have, getting them to take one more is so much easier—especially if you use "action trains."

  • Though email messaging is an important part of the selling process, texting can be an effective way to supplement email and phone channels, according to a study by Leads360. Sales prospects who receive SMS text messages during the sales process convert at a rate 40% higher than those who do not receive such messages.