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  • Michael Weiss, managing director at figure18 and a veteran speaker, consultant, client advocate, and sales executive, has an interesting perspective on marketing and advertising, not to mention the role of the agency, in today's always-on, always-open business environment.

  • Smartphones have become the central social, communication, and information tool for growing numbers of younger Americans, according to a study conducted by IDC for Facebook. Among smartphone owners age 18-44, making phone calls accounts for only 16% of the total time spent with their devices, whereas the remaining 84% of time is spent texting and interacting with email and social networks.

  • Mobile devices are the first thing people reach for in the morning, and the last thing they look at before going to bed. Mobile is at the center of your customers' lives. Now, with mobile, you can be at the center of your customers' experiences.

  • Have you seen a recurring online image? Does the image make you laugh or groan? If so, you've likely spotted an internet meme. MDG Advertising studied the most viral memes of 2012 and created the following infographic analyzing what made those memes popular.

  • Social media has become an important way for financial advisers to engage with clients and grow their business, according to survey from Accenture: 48% of financial advisers say they interact daily with clients via social media and 74% say social media helps them increase the financial assets under their management.

  • The combination of search and social is revolutionary. Find out the search capabilities of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+—and how to search-optimize your presence on them.

  • B2B and B2C marketers tend to have different marketing objectives for their businesses; not surprisingly, they also have different views on which marketing tactics are the most effective, according to a survey from Ascend2.

  • With the launch of its patent-pending Neo-Organizational Optimization Brainstorm (NOOB) technique, independent strategic technology communications and PR practice Eastwick today announced it has exposed what really happens in the Cloud.

  • How is marketing automation like the Wizard of Oz? Without being noticed, both work furiously behind the scenes to produce an experience that works like magic. Check out the following infographic to find out just what marketing automation can do for your business.

  • Social media is quickly changing what's expected in today's customer service world. But many companies are still struggling to find a way to fit it into their customer service processes.

  • We've got movie trailers on Vine AND Instagram, Pinnable banners, a touching social service tale, GIFs on Google+, shareable live presentations, and customizable Flipboard magazines. And everything you need to know about Summly, new ad and Page features on Facebook, Klout for Business, and a personal assistant app you can both advertise on and use.

  • Google was the top-ranked Web property in February 2013, attracting some 228.1 million total unique visitors via desktop and mobile devices in the US, according to comScore's newly launched Media Metrix Multi-Platform service.

  • Anticipation and planning improve your ability to effectively cope with emergencies such as a storm—or a career crisis—even when its timing is uncertain. Those who are always prepared for an unexpected job change are likely to suffer less than those who are caught by surprise.

  • Despite much debate over the value of social networks to small business marketing, growing numbers of small business owners view social media as an effective tool, according to a survey from Constant Contact. Surveyed small businesses report the biggest surge in the effectiveness of LinkedIn and Twitter, among the major social networks.

  • Weight Watchers is clearly the dominant company among weight-loss centers and programs. So what are the company's marketing secrets? Let's take a look at six savvy principles Weight Watchers has implemented to solidify its position at the top of the weight-loss stack.

  • In the final installment of this series, we cover three mistakes: Your content doesn't tell a story; your content never leaves home; and your content never grows up.

  • Content is the treasure trove that connects customers to companies now. And where there's gold, you're bound to find miners. The problem is that far too many will be swinging a wimpy little pickax and struggling mightily to break any ground.

  • This week's guest on Marketing Smarts is Tim Suther, chief marketing and strategy officer for Acxiom, a firm that Tim referred to as "the original Big Data company"; FRONTLINE called it "one of the biggest companies you've never heard of."

  • In 2007, local business spent 10% more on advertising than they did on promotions (e.g., coupons, discounts, and promotional products); however, in 2012, they spent a stunning 81% more on promotions, according to a new report by Borrell Associates. The key to that change is digital promotions.

  • Your "marketing universe" contains everyone you can sell to; you must expand it, or your business will stagnate. Even if you build a receptive, high-conversion audience, but then can't increase its size, you'll soon be sunk.