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  • Understanding visitor intent is at the heart of conversion rate optimization. How do you effectively harvest intent-related information from the Internet?

  • The most common reason people post on social media is "to share interesting things" (61%), according to a recent report from Ipsos.

  • Historically, personalized targeting has been done through direct mail, sending offers to segmented lists, targeted at personas. So how can you achieve the same level of segmentation and targeting in the digital world?

  • A quarter of consumers think the information presented on online rating sites is unfair: 16% say it is overly negative and 9% say it is overly positive, according to a recent report by Maritz Research.

  • About 9 million MTV Video Music Awards social mentions were made on the day of the event. So, which artists were folks talking about most? And did those artists win VMAs?

  • Social media conversations are shifting from text to pictures, making images the new language of fan engagement. How can you harness this engagement to build stronger relationships with fans? Here are three easy ways.

  • Today's consumers are mobile, on the go, sending and receiving messages of all types. The fundamental practices outlined in this article provide a solid foundation for how to communicate with mobile subscribers appropriately and comfortably using SMS.

  • Jamie Bearse, CEO of ZERO—The End of Prostate Cancer, discusses nonprofit marketing, blogger outreach, and promoting men's health (even when doing so makes them uncomfortable).

  • Paid search visits have a 35% higher conversion rate for e-commerce websites compared with visits from organic search, according to a recent report by MarketLive.

  • Relationships begin with an introduction. In the case of Twitter (and social media in general), your profile picture is a big part of that introduction—your first impression. Don't blow it...

  • Nearly three-quarters (72%) of online US adults were using social networking sites as of May 2013, up from 67% in late 2012, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center.

  • On the battlefield known as the inbox, emails from all categories compete with one another. To find out which categories are most popular with subscribers, check out the this infographic.

  • Whether you're completely new to marketing automation or already approaching pro status, there are several things you can and should be doing. Here are a few ways to integrate and automate your digital marketing, along with a few tips for beginners, intermediate users, and automation experts.

  • See what two controversies rocked the social scene this week (neither involved Syria). Also find a flowchart for choosing hashtags, stats on the best socnets for B2B, Twitter's latest social TV buy, a GIF-based horror saga, and news on Facebook's shared photo albums (among other handy-dandies). Skim for the skinny on twerking.

  • Just under one-third (31%) of the Interbrand Top 100 Brands have created Tumblr accounts, according to a recent report by Simply Measured.

  • Most companies have only a basic mobile optimization strategy, if any at all, so here are five tips for taking your email to the small screen.

  • How can a brand be sure that its investment in TV, Internet, radio, or other media is paying off at the checkout counter? Companies must follow the entire customer path and attribute the sale correctly. Otherwise, marketers can flunk one of the most profitable sale seasons of the year.

  • Consumers worldwide overwhelmingly say they will share personal information to get better service from their doctors, banks, and retailers, but they are very discerning about what they share, according to a recent report from Infosys.

  • Creating a tradeshow booth can be difficult. Here are some helpful tips to get you started as you plan, design, and create an effective booth that can be used for many years to promote your company.

  • Most SMBs may not realize that it is possible—and affordable—to target relevant consumers in close proximity to their stores by using an online, neighborhood-level targeting approach.