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  • Marketers say creating relevant content is the most effective search engine optimization (SEO) tactic, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Did you sigh when you heard Google is revoking free access to its Keyword Planner? Your first reaction was probably something like "Google is sticking it to us again." But there's an easy, inexpensive workaround: a small PPC campaign.

  • Putting your brand on Facebook is one thing. But making it effective on the social platform is another. Which of these 10 tips can you check off?

  • Marketers expect brand websites to be the most effective digital channel in 2017, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Even as marketing changes at breakneck speed, some things stay the same. The four pillars of performance have withstood the test of time, so keep them in mind to improve your marketing campaigns' chances of success.

  • Facebook turns Messenger into Snapchat, takes on Skype with group video chat; Facebook's failing metrics; Twitter resuscitates Vine, kills lead-gen ads; Instagram's user milestone; top 2017 social media trends; much more...

  • Digital advertising and customer events are marketers' top areas for planned investment in 2017, according to recent research from Autopilot.

  • Marketing campaigns that take months to plan, launch, and execute may still have a place in today's always-connected world, but if you aren't also jumping into real-time marketing, you will lose out.

  • All businesses are on Yelp—whether they like it or not. Though managing your Yelp page can be a headache, it can also be an excellent platform for acquiring new customers. But what about those pesky negative reviews?

  • Most owners of small and medium-sized businesses say attracting and retaining customers is their top priority for the year ahead, according to recent research from GetApp.

  • Customer churn is a normal part of doing business. The reasons customers leave you are diverse, but they fall in two categories: voluntary and involuntary. Understanding the differences between the two can dramatically improve your customer retention.

  • Planning your marketing efforts for the coming year? Here's some advice about the top digital marketing and branding trends you can expect in 2017.

  • Some 30% of Americans say they have their work email open constantly, according to recent research from ReachMail.

  • The experience economy gives us the opportunity to do more than just sell goods and services; we can now create unique memories and experiences for our customers—and in the process achieve competitive advantage.

  • To get the best responses to your content marketing efforts, make use of the way the human brain processes information.

  • Consumers are spending six hours per week, on average, watching video content on social networks, according to recent research from Brightcove.

  • SEO has evolved significantly, especially over the past few years: It is no longer search engine optimization, per se; our content efforts are now aimed at users, not search bots. These tips will help make your own SEO content more engaging in 2017.

  • Instagram is much more than selfies and food photos. See why—and how—you should use it for marketing.

  • The volume of email that marketers sent in the third quarter of 2016 (3Q16) jumped 19.8% from the third quarter of 2015 (3Q15), according to recent research from Experian Marketing Services.

  • No matter your audience, their fear of missing out (FOMO) can work marketing magic for you, especially in the age of social media. But beware: If you don't make use of FOMO responsibly, it'll backfire.