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  • Consumers most value the "four Ps"—product, price, place, and phone number—on local business websites, according to a recent report from BrightLocal.

  • If you are a services professional of any kind, or you market for a services firm, here are five steps to take to improve you influence and the ROI of your online and social media efforts.

  • No matter how big or small, your nonprofit can improve its social media results by doing these three things.

  • The average Super Bowl XLVIII television commercial increased the likelihood that a viewer would purchase that brand's products or services 6.6%, according to a recent report from BrandAds.

  • Using well-executed sweepstakes promotions, drawings, and contests to reach fans can increase the likelihood that members of your audience will share with their friends—AKA, your future audience.

  • MailChimp's chief data scientist explains what "data science" is and how it affects marketing communications, product development, and more. He offers marketing professionals concrete tips for crunching numbers to turn data into insights.

  • The "consumerization" of B2B marketing is about reducing friction at all customer touchpoints. B2B vendors need to learn from friction-reducing techniques of consumer goods firms and retailers.

  • Some 85% of CMOs say their efforts at implementing an omni-channel marketing strategy are being thwarted by a lack of access to data and inadequate tools/technology, according to a recent report by the CMO Club and Visual IQ.

  • The greatest story never told (until now) about content as a marketing tool is that it helped to deliver humans to the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

  • Marketers can increase their content's chances of being spread far and wide by making sure it includes the six traits featured in the following infographic.

  • Marketers are planning to primarily increase spend on proven channels in 2014, with a smaller share going to unproven tactics, according to a recent report from Conversant.

  • Learn how to set up a Google+ Local account, where besides Google you can find local customers, what offline marketing tactics to use to spur online activity, and why every local biz needs a social marketing plan.

  • Personalized promotional emails sent during 2013 had 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click rates than non-personalized mailings, according to a recent report from Experian Marketing Services.

  • Marketers often talk about how social media is growing... but what does that mean exactly? Here's a look at some facts regarding the growth and use of social media.

  • When managing your social media, you are in a constant battle for the attention of your fans. Producing worthwhile and entertaining content all of the time is hard, right? But you can win this battle!

  • Emotions are powerful, and your customers cannot make buying decisions without them. To take your brand from good to ridiculously amazing, focus your marketing on building emotional connections with customers.

  • Read hilarious hotel livetweets from the Sochi Winter Olympics. See what marketing scored at the Super Bowl. Run effective social media contests. And, as always, learn from all that’s fit to print about the changing face of social! It’s all a Skim away.

  • For online interaction with companies or brands, Facebook is the most popular platform among Millennials, followed by Twitter and Pinterest, according to recent research from the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

  • We can learn plenty by observing how people use social media—and those lessons can apply to how we function as marketers at our places of work.

  • In contrast to LinkedIn's Company Pages, its Showcase Pages are focused on one aspect of your business. The idea is to create a dedicated space for your prominent brands, products, and other initiatives, allowing people to follow the page for related content.