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  • Ekaterina Walter has led strategic and marketing innovation for brands such as Intel and Accenture, and she is a cofounder and the CMO of Branderati. I invited Ekaterina to Marketing Smarts to talk about her latest book, The Power of Visual Storytelling, co-written with Jessica Gioglio.

  • Nothing sends potential customers away faster than dead content. But how do you find it—then remove it—without disrupting the flow of marketing work and causing the SEO manager's blood pressure to spike?

  • You're at the point of social media burnout, so you've decided it's about time your business had a dedicated social media manager. Good move. But what skills, traits, and experience should an effective social media manager have?

  • Two-thirds of American mobile users (66.8%) now own smartphones, up 7% since October 2013, according to recent data from comScore.

  • Marketing automation serves many purposes, but its biggest advantage is in enabling marketers to tailor their activities to the customer's buying process—which has changed dramatically in the past few years.

  • Before planning your strategy for mobile marketing, you need to know what the terrain is like. Here's a look at mobile marketing today—and its future.

  • Client-side marketers see improving customer experience as the most exciting digital opportunity of 2014, whereas agency marketers see mobile as the most exciting opportunity, according to a recent report from Adobe and Econsultancy.

  • Part 2 of this two-part article series outlines more ways that comedy—in this case, improvisation—can help us become better marketers and connect more easily with our audiences.

  • Nearly two-thirds (61%) of marketers say one the biggest challenges of influencer marketing is identifying the relevant persons who can truly help their brand or campaigns, according to a recent report from Augure.

  • How does the social management software you use compare with the ones receiving the best reviews? Find out the rankings of 13 social media management products in the following infographic.

  • Expanding into new markets abroad is never as easy as "translation." Instead, the key is "localization"—adapting a product or service and your marketing to conform to the language, culture, and legal and technical requirements of a country.

  • Get the skinny on the selfie seen around the world, Apple's social media debut, ad platform updates, and Facebook's potential new toys (drones? Again?!). It's all a hop, skip, and a skim away.

  • Are you a B2B marketer attending SXSW 2014? Then use this guide to help you plan which sessions, book signings, and meet-ups to attend.

  • Phone calls are the highest rated source of leads by small and midsize businesses (SMBs), according to a recent BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor report.

  • Guest article or post submissions can be a great asset to a publication, but they can also be an excuse for bad content to slip through the cracks. Here's what makes for the best guest content.

  • Today's key to subscriber engagement is personalized and relevant email content. Behavioral segmentation is one of the best ways of reaching your target audience and sending exactly what they want.

  • Most US Internet users (76%) say the Web has been good for society, just 15% say it's been bad (15%), and 8% say it has been both good and bad, according to a recent report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

  • In data-driven marketing channels, such as paid search, having the most relevant and recent data possible is vital, because you're competing in real time (usually with real budget constraints) for clicks.

  • In the entire scheme of search engine optimization, social media has a useful role to play, one that compliments the internal and external factors of a search friendly website.

  • Facebook marketing expert Mari Smith shares tips for achieving the best reach possible using a combination of paid and organic posts.