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  • Even the greatest content needs an early boost to gain traction in social media. Paid promotion and influencer marketing can help, but they can be costly. Fortunately, virtually every organization has a captive audience that's willing—even happy—to share content with their networks for free.

  • Brand loyalty has changed over the decades. It's no longer as straightforward as having the best product or a great rewards program—but that's not a bad thing, says today's infographic, which explores the history and future of customer loyalty to brands.

  • Senior marketers say the most important quality/ability of a successful CMO is to be the voice of the customer at the leadership table, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

  • Today's consumers connect with brands through more channels and devices than ever before. And though many companies have some process in place to measure marketing ROI, few are doing it right. What do you need to know to get right?

  • A review of award-winning actor and best-selling author Alan Alda's new book 'If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on my Face? My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating.'

  • Google ads are a competitive space. Check out this infographic for seven tips—with supporting data—to help you get the best ROI on your ads.

  • Some 82% of B2B buying committees now include at least one Millennial employee, according to recent research from SnapApp and Heinz Marketing.

  • Facebook's YouTube competitor Watch goes live; LinkedIn's major new Audience Network tool; WhatsApp gets serious with a business app; where Snapchat still beats Instagram; the app Millennials say is more indispensable than Facebook or Instagram; much more...

  • Many marketers, business owners, and entrepreneurs think innovation is synonymous with invention—and that to move the needle, we need to come up with a shiny new product, market, or idea. But some of the most innovative brands of our time prove otherwise.

  • Ready, set, go! Learn how to take the pace of your writing from snail to cheetah with these 15 tips to write faster.

  • Gaining greater independence is the top reason people say they would start a small business, according to recent research from Paychex.

  • User-generated content is here to stay. And as the marketing landscape begins to shift to a more user- and UGC-centric direction, what steps can you take to capitalize on this authentic marketing tactic?

  • Get yourself organized with social media image-sizing guidelines for Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube—all in one easy-to-read infographic.

  • Orthopedic surgeon is the highest-paying job title in the United States, and computer science is the highest-paying field of study, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • With 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, the question is no longer whether you should advertise on the platform—but how. Here are four types of Facebook retargeting that can help you increase e-commerce revenue.

  • Steve LaCroix, executive vice-president and chief marketing officer for the Minnesota Vikings NFL football team, discusses how sports marketing has evolved and the importance of enhancing the game-day experience for fans at the stadium.

  • So much more goes into an email campaign than simply hitting the "send" button. Here are the numerous aspects of your entire email strategy to consider—from personalization and lead generation to cleaning up an old list.

  • Most B2B marketers are already using or plan to use some form of marketing automation technology, according to recent research from Act-On and Econsultancy.

  • When it's time to outsource copywriting or content writing to bolster your marketing, you need to be clear on one thing: Should you hire a copywriter or a content writer? We'll explain all the differences (and similarities!) so you can hire the writer that's right for your project.

  • Insurance marketers do not have an easy product to sell. But they do have an audience that often purchases over the phone rather than online, providing companies with unique opportunities to personally help prospects convert.