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  • Snapchat can be a great tool for marketing and advertising. This infographic explains some of its most useful and effective features.

  • Online searches related to Valentine's Day start increasing at the beginning of the year and peak in volume on the day itself, according to recent research from Bing Ads.

  • If you’ve been paying any attention, you already know: video has taken over. Whether you're a complete newbie or a novice looking to improve—and grow—an existing program, our experts will help you put video into the marketing spotlight.

  • Video content is becoming indispensable for your marketing efforts... Here's how you can create engaging videos and use your video content to build a loyal audience.

  • For nonprofits, social media marketing can be just as advantageous as it is for businesses. It's a great way to build support, grow your ranks of volunteers, and increase donations. But you need to be vigilant.

  • From customer loyalty to customer experiences to customer identity, 2017 promises to be a big year for customer-centric marketing. Check out this infographic for one company's predictions of the top trends we can expect to see.

  • College students in the United States are increasingly using Uber for transportation, Spotify for music, and Venmo for making payments, according to recent research from Fluent.

  • A brand's name can make or break a business. Naming expert Mike Pile of Uppercase Branding shares his secrets for winning the high-stakes name game.

  • Just because we marketers understand the power of video doesn't mean we use it to its full potential. If you're not using video in all the stages of the marketing funnel, you're leaving conversions and sales on the table.

  • What happens when your customers aren't happy? Poor customer experiences can affect your bottom line in more ways than you might know.

  • The e-commerce website elements that consumers are most interested in seeing personalized are shipping options, product recommendations, and coupons, according to recent research from Episerver.

  • People check their smartphones obsessively—dozens, even hundreds, of times per day—and they open most of their emails on mobile devices. Here are five ways we email marketers can use those mobile habits to better reach our customers.

  • The Bing network of search engines reaches one-third of PC searchers. Who are they, and how can your business benefit from reaching them?

  • Consumers generally value competence more than morality when choosing between service providers, but the effect is weakened if the less competent provider is seen as an underdog, according to recent research published in the AMA's Journal of Marketing.

  • What if, rather than thinking of your blog as a chore on a to-do list, you were to view it as a savings account, with each post a long-term investment that generates increasing traffic and relevant leads?

  • The retail shipping process isn't always smooth, and a bad delivery experience can prevent customers from becoming repeat purchasers. But marketers can take steps to improve the delivery and shipping experiences and keep customers coming back.

  • Which metrics and KPIs are most often reported to CMOs and other top marketers? Do high-performing brands pay closer attention to certain types of metrics or KPIs?

  • This week: Amazon's Twitch social platform; Twitter's renunciation of e-commerce; big changes to Facebook Live; Snapchat's new approach to search; ingredients for highly engaging Facebook posts; a content marketer's guide to social selling; and much more...

  • Myth: creative content is the result of a smooth, linear process, thanks to inspired designers, writers, illustrators... The idea appeals to project managers and heads of marketing who love their Gantt charts. But the reality is more goat rodeo than Gantt chart. There is a better way.

  • Companies in the technology, media, and telecommunication (TMT) sector completed 3,021 M&A deals worth $698 billion in 2016, according to a recent report from Mergermarket.