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  • Neuroscience can give marketers deep insight into what works and what doesn't in persuading customers to buy a product or service. These five neuromarketing principles will boost your marketing efforts.

  • Multitasking can be good or it can be bad. Here are its pros and cons—and tips on how to be a productive multitasker.

  • Consumers are most likely to complain about a brand when they encounter poor service, according to recent research from Corra.

  • Google changes the TV landscape with YouTube TV; Snapchat makes itself a video search destination; LinkedIn introduces easy lead-gen forms; Amazon's influencer program; Facebook's alternative News Feed; Twitter fights to offer pay TV; much more!

  • These five steps for successful audience targeting will enable you to pair audiences with the right messaging to communicate in more personal and meaningful ways, ultimately allowing you to reach your business goals.

  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media three times more than other types of content, according to an infographic from IBM. Read on for more about how to make your infographics stand out from the crowd.

  • Adults in the United States spend nearly three hours each day, on average, on their mobile devices, according to recent research from comScore.

  • If you've decided that your business needs a digital asset management (DAM) system to take over from your old, complex legacy systems, demonstrating business value may be fairly easy. If you've never had any comparable tools before, your job may be harder, especially if budgets are tight.

  • The biggest challenge for a lot of distributed marketing organizations is that they don't have sufficient visibility into the co-op spending of their independent partners.

  • The way consumers view Google results pages related to hotel searches has changed significantly over the past few years, according to recent research from Travel Tripper.

  • Programmatic ad buying can be more efficient than traditional ad buying, but what else do you need to know before making the switch? Check out this infographic to compare traditional media buying with programmatic media buying.

  • Online and offline retail channels don't have to compete. Complementary digital and in-store experiences are vital to today's customer journey, giving consumers the best of both worlds—and the best returns to retailers.

  • Simon Perkins, director of brand marketing at The Orvis Company, tells the story of how the oldest mail-order retailer in the United States evolved into an international outdoor lifestyle retailer with more than $340 million in annual sales.

  • Star ratings are simple, but they have an immense effect. They increase social proof, boost word-of-mouth marketing, and improve the results of paid ads. And, most important, they influence purchases.

  • Which jobs related to digital marketing and technology have the highest average annual salary ranges? Mondo, a national staffing agency, looked at recent US data for nearly 70,000 digital marketing and IT placements to find out.

  • Not all influencers are the same. In fact, there are plenty of phonies and lame ducks out there. So how do you determine whether they can make a difference for your ROI? Here are three ways.

  • Good creative can help drive more revenue, but what's a marketer to do when investing in creative is often a low priority? Check out this infographic to see the impact creative can have on successful marketing.

  • Emails from brands with special offers in their subject lines tend to underperform those without special offers in their subject lines, according to recent research from Yes Lifestyle Marketing.

  • Search engines want to show the world your content, but not if you've made mistakes that undermine the user experience and search engines' guidelines. So give them what they want by avoiding these eight common mistakes that content creators make.

  • The information included on your e-commerce product pages matters for SEO. Check out this easy-to-read 17-step guide to make sure your pages include all the recommended elements.