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  • Marketers at large brands are increasingly devoting a significant number of staff positions to social media: 46.5% of companies with revenues of more than $1 billion now have 50 or more employees devoted to social.

  • Mobile is personal, with every feature, sound, and function customizable. To capture mobile's potential, marketers must personalize the mobile experience for customers. Here are easy-to-implement tactics to do just that.

  • SMBs with Google AdWords accounts are flushing away, on average, 25% of their PPC marketing budget because of managerial and strategic errors. Here's a quick look at how to fix those errors.

  • One-third of sales representatives are "often" or "always (on a daily basis)" frustrated by their inability to quickly locate sales materials, according to a recent survey by Brainshark.

  • Stories have always been vehicles via which we communicate and perceive truth. So, for growth-minded retailers and consumer brands, omni-channel success hinges on the ability to deliver cross-channel brand stories that are engaging, memorable, and consistent.

  • Only a quarter of marketers include videos in their email campaigns, though that proportion is likely to change in the near future, according to a recent study by Email Monks.

  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketers are growing more confident in their content marketing, according to a recent report published by MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute.

  • There's been plenty of speculation about the death of outbound marketing in recent years. In fact, however, outbound marketing still efficiently drives leads and sales.

  • Check out a swingin' interactive music video from VW Beetle. We've also got the latest on Twitter image previews, Pinterest's expansion plans, where to score synchronized Facebook/TV ads, a new YouTube marketing service, and what to do if your social media account gets hijacked. Skim to sideline a social faux-pas!

  • The states hardest hit by the US housing bubble—Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and California—have registered the biggest rebound in small business marketing and sales activity since 2008, according to a recent analysis by CallFire.

  • Though social media may feel as if it has been around for a while, it's important to remember that it's just picking up steam and there will be continued growth and disruption in how consumers use social platforms.

  • Among social login options for websites requiring registration/login, Facebook is the top choice with US consumers, according to a recent report by Janrain.

  • Adopting lean principles for your mobile strategy ensures that complexity, rigidity, and friction are replaced with simplicity, adaptability, and speed.

  • Michael Stelzner talks about his journey from writing white papers to founding, and what he learned along the way about building a community, honing your social media strategy, and parenting in a high-tech world.

  • Global consumers rank European-based discount supermarket retailer ALDI as the "simplest" brand in the world—meaning its products and pricing are seen as straightforward and it is viewed as very trustworthy/easy to interact with.

  • Here's a bewitching look at consumer behavior during Halloween. Find out what folks are buying, what social networks are inspiring their costumes, and how much they are spending on the holiday.

  • It's OK, you can say it: Online leads are a pain in the neck. One problem is that many firms treat online leads like traditional leads, but online leads are live—more like an inbound phone call or a face-to-face customer.

  • More than half (60%) of companies that market globally have no overarching multilingual content marketing strategy, accord to a recent report by Cloudwords.

  • It is easy to become so focused on creating content for your blog, and marketing it properly, that you forget to periodically check its health. Here's how to turn a dusty blog around for increased conversions and SEO.

  • Marketers are 25% more receptive to lead generation efforts than most professionals, according to a recent report by LeadJen.