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  • Review the best (and worst) of "real-time" marketing efforts during the Emmy Awards. Get the scoop on the first use of Tumblr in a court case; a new app that lets brands ask fans for permission to use their photos; and Facebook and Twitter's latest efforts to get in good with the community. Skim to reel in the end of September!

  • Are you reaching out to your customers when they have questions? Here are some 12 tips to help you answer the questions they are asking (not just the ones you think they are asking).

  • Most consumers are willing to receive relevant mobile messages, alerts, and notices from trusted brands, according to a recent survey by mBlox.

  • For most e-commerce providers, the question isn't whether video content should be a part of the brand's e-commerce strategy, but how to harness video content effectively and efficiently, and in a way that generates measurable returns to the brand.

  • Very few businesses run entirely online, which means most are going to have offline advertising campaigns. Make visiting your website one of your offline calls to action, and you can assign attribution. That approach is actually quite common, but it's often poorly executed.

  • The foremost worry for marketers is reaching customers, with 82% saying it is a major concern, according to a recent survey by Adobe.

  • Tradeshows are where up-to-the-second media such as Twitter come into their own, helping make the physical event virtual, and bringing something very localized to a wider—and potentially global—audience.

  • As a marketer, your every encounter with a smartphone-toting consumer should be considered an opportunity: They want to buy. You want to sell. But how do you make the connection happen?

  • What factors influence decision-making? Author Noreena Hertz discusses her book, Eyes Wide Open, which uses scientific research about decision-making processes, along with real-world examples.

  • More than half of B2B vendors (57%) say B2B commerce is fundamentally changing and shifting from offline to online, according to a recent report from Intershop.

  • Ed Abrams, vice-president of marketing for IBM's small and midsize business unit, offers tips for SMBs on social strategy, content marketing, and running a social business.

  • Since 2008, marketers have adopted a more simplified email sign-up process for new subscribers and now ask for significantly less personal information, according to a recent study by Return Path.

  • What do high-ranking pages in Google have in common? Searchmetrics did a study to find out the answer, then created an infographic from its study results.

  • In search results, keyword-to-landing page correlation can be unpredictable; however, you can take certain actions to increase the chances of a better match. Here are seven steps to get the right page to rank for the keyword you target.

  • The creation of TV and radio advertisements is the most commonly outsourced marketing activity by small businesses, according to a recent survey by Constant Contact.

  • Find out what kind of information online search users seek and whether the search results they're served are truly helpful.

  • Get the skinny on Kit Kat's leap into the future of candy... and Chipotle's content leap into the dark side of food production. We'll also dish out the latest on Facebook's video ad play, Google's cookie-killer, and how to use hashtags to promote music (or just about anything else). Skim to skip the cookie jar.

  • Social media has proven itself an invaluable venue for businesses promoting their products and specials, but its value doesn't end there. Here are five ways CMOs can start getting more out of social media today.

  • Tablet video viewing in the United States peaks in the evening, with primetime hours (8 PM to midnight, local time) constituting 25.7% of total views, according to a recent report from TubeMogul.

  • This year, the number of people browsing the Web from mobile phones is expected to surpass the number using laptops, tablets, and desktop computers combined. App use has similarly exploded. So how can you make your app stand out from the crowd?