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  • Influencer marketing can earn your brand $7.65 for every dollar spent, according to an infographic by Influencer Marketing Hub. This marketing strategy is taking off... Is it time for your brand to work with influencers?

  • Budgets aren't sexy, but they are vital for high-performing marketing organizations. If you can master these three keys, you'll create a best-in-class marketing budget—and you'll be well on your way to marketing success.

  • Most adult consumers in the United States still prefer to shop in physical retail stores rather than online, according to recent research from Walker Sands Communications.

  • This week: LinkedIn's powerful new website-visitor insights tool; WhatsApp's rumored business chat app and new milestone against Snapchat; Facebook's new Groups for Pages; an indispensable social media cheat sheet; and much more!

  • From raising awareness, to educating prospects, to completing the transaction, to enhancing customer service and beyond, predictive analytics can help you anticipate customers' needs and desires throughout their circuitous buying journey.

  • Use this checklist to make sure the copy, imagery, layout, and coding of your emails all help your email campaigns succeed.

  • Google and Facebook control both the most-visited Web properties and the most-used mobile apps in the United States, according to recent research from comScore.

  • Do email newsletters still work, or are they a thing of the past? See what 17 successful digital marketers have to say about the effectiveness of email newsletters for online stores.

  • The potential power of the press release is sometimes misunderstood by marketers who aren't studied PR practitioners. Acting on those false beliefs, however, can be fraught with problems, so here are some best-practices regarding press releases as marketing tools.

  • You should control your inbox—not the other way around. This infographic presents tips for getting your emails under control—to make you better focused and more productive.

  • Consumers say their biggest pet peeves with e-commerce sites are poor navigation and opaque pricing, according to recent research from Corra.

  • The appeal of some products is obvious; they practically sell themselves. Other, "boring" products? Not so much... There is hope, though. Here are 11 powerful ways to market products that, on the face of it, seem totally unsexy.

  • Best-selling author and marketing expert David Meerman Scott and musician Juanito Pascual, co-founders of sonic branding studio Signature Tones, discuss how a "sonic logo" and custom music can help you connect with your audience.

  • Looking to get inside the mind of a Millennial? Check out this infographic, which explains why this generation shops differently and how marketers can adapt.

  • Older audiences tend to pay more attention to video ads on YouTube, and they also tend to be more costly to reach, according to recent research from Strike Social.

  • Why in this digital world would you operate your digital marketing communications without a solid strategy and plan? Set your foundation on the right footing now, and you'll save time (and money) later. Here's how.

  • Marketing attribution is becoming a business imperative, but focusing on measurement is a new competency for many marketing teams. So how do you prepare? What initiatives do you need to think through? Here's how to kick-start your attribution efforts.

  • Finally, some good news for marketers: Consumers' attention spans when reading email are increasing! But they still aren't all that long. This infographic by Litmus gives you tips for optimizing emails for short attention spans.

  • Prospective buyers of marketing technologies rank demos, test drives, and self-driven online research as the most valuable methods for evaluating products/services, according to a recent report from Target Marketing, NAPCO Research, and IBM.

  • Influencer marketing grew out of celebrity endorsement, but with nearly everybody now on social media... it turns out that relatively ordinary, down-to-earth people are often the best influencers. But how do you find the influencers most suitable for your business?