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  • Facebook, the top US social networking site since May 2009, attracted roughly 151 million unique US visitors in April 2011, reaching three out of four visitors to the social networking category during the month, according to new data from the comScore Media Metrix.

  • BMW, Clinique, and Audi nabbed the top three spots among a list of 100 prominent luxury brands for exceptional Facebook marketing, according to the newly launched L2 Prestige 100 Facebook IQ index, which ranks the Facebook aptitude of luxury brands.

  • Some 13% of online adults in the US say they use Twitter, up from 8% who said so in November 2010, according to a new report by Pew Research. Meanwhile, Twitter use among men has doubled, from 7% in November, to 14% in May 2011.

  • Twitter's recent announcement to launch its own photo- and video-sharing service may impact the role of established, third-party image-hosting services, that now enable some 2.1 million tweets linked to images each day, according to a study by Sysomos.

  • In a rapidly changing media landscape, social media has retained its value to consumers as a source of entertainment, whereas television and movies have lost significant share, according to a study by Edelman.

  • Most social media users say they are uneasy (42%) or ambivalent (38%) about sharing personal information on social media sites and such attitudes, though they vary in intensity across popular social sites, have a negative impact on users' likelihood to recommend those sites, according to a study by Netpop Research.

  • Engaged subscribers often make up only 30-40% of an email marketer's database, meaning at least 60% of recipients ignore communications. Here's how to keep your messages out of the trash bin—and stimulate engagement.

  • Using a personal, human voice when communicating via social media leads to much higher user satisfaction ratings than impersonal communication from businesses and nonprofits, a University of Missouri researcher has confirmed.

  • As shoppers become smarter and more informed—using online channels to evaluate options, socialize about brands, and find the best deals— they are becoming less impulsive when making purchase decisions, according to a new survey from Yahoo.

  • The ever-increasing interdependence between search and social media should be viewed as an opportunity rather than a threat. Learn how to use both strategically, and boost your marketing effectiveness.

  • More than three-quarters of US microbusiness owners say they are very (42%) or extremely (35%) happy to work for themselves, according to Vistaprint's newly launched Small Business Happiness Index, which tracks the pulse of US microbusinesses. Moreover, 35% say they wouldn't even consider working for someone else.

  • Though no one can deny the explosive popularity of social media, some hard-core justifications for its B2B use have yet to be laid out. Consider these four points before leaving social media out of your B2B marketing strategy.

  • Though the use of social media among the nation's smallest businesses surged in 2010—a trend likely to continue in 2011—email and brand websites are still the two most effective marketing tools for small businesses, according to a survey from Constant Contact.

  • Email and search marketing still have the greatest influence on consumers' online buying behaviors, whereas social media, though it generates awareness, is rarely associated with direct revenue, according to a study by Forrester Research and GSI Commerce.

  • Although Google is still the most important source of referred traffic to major news websites, Facebook is growing in importance, driving as much as 8% of total visits to some websites, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

  • Fully nine in ten (90%) female bloggers say they are somewhat or very interested to partner with brands on campaigns, provided they are compensated, but 58% have never been approached by a brand or agency to do so, according to a new survey from BlogFrog and the Social Studies Group.

  • Nearly 1.1 trillion display ad impressions were delivered to US Internet users in the first quarter of 2011; among them, Facebook accounted for 346 billion—31.2% of the total display market—nearly twice the level delivered one year earlier, according to data from comScore Ad Metrix.

  • Increasing social media chatter about your brand is almost always beneficial and can help drive sales. Take it a step further: Highlight the social buzz around your brand in your email campaigns using these five tips.

  • Although most surveyed moms who own e-readers are happy with their devices, moms who use social media are far more likely than non-social moms to share information about their e-reader brand with friends and family and pay a higher price for their device, according to a survey from Motista.

  • Marketers can now identify their various industries' top 10 influential voices across blogs, articles, and social networks—and also see their own influence ranking vs. other voices in a given market—with the help of a free tool released this week.