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  • Among Facebook wall posts related to Black Friday (Nov 25) and Cyber Monday (Nov 28) in 2011, those containing the word "coupon" were far more engaging than other posts about the year's most celebrated shopping days, according to a report by Buddy Media, which explores how brands used Facebook during the month of November to spread the word about holiday shopping.

  • With smartphone penetration reaching an impressive 80% in the small-business community, interest in mobile marketing is mounting: 21.8% of small-business decision-makers say they plan to dedicate more resources to mobile marketing in 2012, up from the 12.6% who said so a year earlier, according to a report by Ad-ology Research.

  • As 2011 winds down, it's time to consider the trends that will dominate marketing in 2012. Here are the Top 5 trends on the horizon and tips on how to take advantage of them in your marketing plan.

  • Some 9 in 10 B2B marketing organizations, regardless of company size or industry, say they've used content as a form of marketing in 2011, according to a study by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs. Moreover, those marketers also say they employ on average eight separate content marketing tactics to achieve their marketing goals.

  • Human interest stories dominated our attention in 2011, particularly those about babies, animals, and natural disasters, according to Facebook's list of the top 40 most shared articles in 2011.

  • Growing numbers of small businesses continue to adopt social marketing: 81% now report using social media channels to market their businesses, up from the 73% reported six months earlier, according to a survey from Constant Contact. Among those now using social media channels, 65% say such tools complement other forms of marketing.

  • Online communities can deliver outstanding ROI, but they rarely produce value without significant investment, professional management... and consistent, intelligent, and engaging interaction.

  • Though more than two-thirds (68%) of surveyed Internet users say they use Facebook, only 21% have "liked" a branded page on Facebook, whereas more than one-third have given a thumbs up to other content such as wall posts (36%), pictures (37%), and comments (37%), according to a survey from Crowd Science.

  • Businesses may be wasting time and money trying to reach consumers who resent brands intruding on their social networking spaces: Fully 60% of socially networked Americans say they don't want to engage with brands via social media, according to the Digital Life study by TNS, a Kantar company.

  • Interactive marketing budgets are forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17% over the next five years, but not all industries will invest at the same pace, according to a new report by Forrester Research.

  • Social media use has become so pervasive in the lives of American teens that having a presence on a social networking site, Facebook in particular, is almost synonymous with being online, according to a report by Pew Research.

  • With the rise of mobile search and social media, local Web-presence optimization is crucial for small businesses. Learn how to secure a top spot on Google's search results—and knock out the competition.

  • Over the past year, America's top brands have made improvements in how they use online branded communities to reach their customers, but some opportunities for engagement remain untapped, according to a new report by ComBlu.

  • Tablet users spent nearly 30% more time per session than desktop users watching online videos in the third quarter of 2011 and they were twice as likely as desktop viewers to complete those viewing sessions, according to Ooyala's Video Index Report. In addition, Facebook was the most popular way to share video content, nearly nine times more popular than Twitter.

  • 2011 ushered in a host of changes in marketing, affecting social media, search, and customer relationships. What digital changes and trends should forward-thinking marketers anticipate in 2012?

  • A third generation of landing pages has emerged over the past year that incorporates ideas from content marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. Learn what features define Landing Pages 3.0.

  • Professional services companies that generate a large proportion of business leads via online sources grow faster and more profitably than firms without such lead capabilities, according to a new study by Hinge Marketing, which also found that SEO, blogging, and Web analytics are among the most effective online marketing tools for such firms.

  • Marketing is changing and evolving at a rapid pace. Are you keeping up? Here are five major changes taking shape in 2012 that CMOs can't afford to ignore.

  • The flash sale is one of the hottest tools being used today to capture customers' attention, and email is a key driver of such campaigns, generating on average 18% of referral traffic to websites advertising flash sales, higher than social media (13%) and search (11%), according to a report by Experian CheetahMail.

  • Engaging local target audiences is a strategic focus for many brands: 49% of national marketers surveyed say localized marketing is essential to business growth and profitability, particularly as it relates to demand generation and sell-through of products and services, according to a study by the CMO Council. Moreover, 86% of marketers say they intend to look for ways to better modify, adapt, and localize their marketing content, messaging, and prospect engagement practices.