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  • We are at a unique place and time. The crossroads of environmental and economic crises provide agile companies with the ability to capture market share in a down market by cutting their media buys and engaging their fan base in new ways.

  • You know your company needs to jump in to social media to compete in today's Internet-based marketing world. But which channel is right for you? How can you find the right social-media fit?

  • Two key indicators of online video usage are up 24.8% year over year, according to Nielsen's September US Online Video report. YouTube remains the leading source of online video, delivering almost 6.7 billion streams in September.

  • The following 10 elements of dynamic Facebook fan pages will set you head and shoulders above the rest (and keep your fans coming back for more).

  • Want to get started with an effective earned-media marketing program? Here are three tips for launching, measuring, and monetizing a low-cost earned-media program that will drive a surge in online word-of-mouth traffic about your brand.

  • Visiting social networks such as Facebook or Twitter except for clear business reasons is discouraged or outlawed outright at a majority of US workplaces.

  • New FTC guidelines will affect marketers who use blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and the like for word-of-mouth and viral campaigns, starting Dec. 1.

  • There's nothing we love more than solutions—top-notch insights from top-of-the-line experts that help solve common marketing problems. Here's this week's solution, featuring SAS, which offers us a solution to the following problem: How does Marketing convince the CEO that it's time to embrace social media?

  • Social media poses the greatest challenge to engaging customers today, according to a recent poll of more than 200 professional marketers.

  • Starting today, Google will invite 100,000 users to beta-test its much-buzzed Wave. What will the hugely ambitious communication and collaboration platform mean for marketers?

  • Time spent on social network and blogging sites accounted for 17% of all the time Americans spent online in August 2009, nearly triple the figure for August 2008. Ad spending more than doubled over the same period.

  • Facebook has entered into a multiyear partnership with Nielsen to allow better measurement of the effectiveness of advertising on the widely popular social networking site. The alliance is yet another move by Facebook to heighten its attractiveness as a marketing platform.

  • Women with children at home are more likely to use Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter than average adults, according to a newly released survey. They're big on word-of-mouth, and some 15.3% maintain a blog.

  • There's nothing we love more than solutions—top-notch insights from top-of-the-line experts that help solve common marketing problems. Once a week, this column will pose a problem, and invite a MarketingProfs speaker—past, present, or future—to help solve it for you.

  • The best kind of personal branding combines real-world communications with virtual visibility and community-building via social media. Online brand-building enables you to reach beyond the people you can connect with in person and allows you to measure the impact of your actions. Since online personal-branding efforts are easier to track and measure, you can see how your brand pervades the World Wide Web. Here are five easy-to-use Web tools to help you get a handle on how powerful and prevalent your virtual personal brand is.

  • Is the social-media explosion a "big bang" that's creating a whole new brand-communications paradigm, or is it part of an ongoing evolution whereby focused brand-building principles are not only still relevant but more important than ever?

  • More than half (55%) of gay and lesbian Americans read blogs, compared with only 38% of heterosexuals. They also use social networking sites more than their heterosexual peers.

  • Need a friend? Brisbane-based uSocial will find thousands of them on Facebook for you—at a price.

  • Total measured advertising expenditures in the first six months of 2009 fell 14.3% from a year earlier, to $60.87 billion, according to TNS Media Intelligence. Q2 spending was down 13.9% from last year—the fifth consecutive quarter of year-over-year decline.

  • Social networking sites delivered 21% of all US online display ad impressions in June 2009, according to a recent comScore study, with MySpace and Facebook together accounting for more than 80% of impressions in the social networking category.