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  • "The Open Brand" is a power-packed framework and guide for how brands can thrive and participate in a world where the consumer is the creator. Here's a Q&A with one of the authors.

  • Time spent viewing video on social networking sites has nearly doubled in the past year, from 503.8 million minutes in October 2008 to 999.4 million in October 2009, according to Nielsen.

  • Gen-Y women have emerged as a distinct and influential consumer demographic, and they wield significant brand influence over older Gen-X women, according to a study conducted by Radar Research for Sugar Inc.

  • As mothers carefully budget for their families, they are sacrificing purchases that are for their own use in order to ensure their families get what they need, according to a study by the Marketing to Moms Coalition.

  • Nearly one in five holiday shoppers will rely on digital advancements such as social media and mobile phones for help with holiday shopping this year, according to Deloitte’s 24th Annual Holiday Survey of retail spending and trends.

  • Is Facebook really a tool for business? Paul Chaney says yes. Much the same way a power company connects homes and businesses with electricity, Facebook is a "social utility" designed to facilitate connections between people as well as businesses. Accordingly, it can be highly useful as a business tool. This article addresses various ways that businesses can market using Facebook.

  • Mobile marketing is on track to grow 27% to a $2.1 billion market in 2010, according to the Mobile Marketing Association. The total mobile audience is still relatively small, however, and is confined to a limited market segment; moreover, marketers who reach out to the wrong mobile audience risk turning them off, according to BIGresearch's Simultaneous Media Usage Survey.

  • For the first time, the number of small and medium-sized businesses using digital/online media has surpassed the number using traditional media, according to the Kelsey Group.

  • Consumers flock daily to social media sites to keep in touch with friends and family, but they are also keen to buy from brands that they have seen on these sites, according to new research from Performics and ROI Research.

  • Most consumers who use Facebook and are a "fan" of a company or brand don't believe they have given those companies permission to market to them; many don't believe marketers are welcome in social networks at all. But here's how companies can connect with fans without turning them off.

  • In aggregating and organizing content from top sites around the Internet, Alltop goes a long way toward solving the filtering problem that many of us have. Alltop can be an invaluable tool for marketers. This article shares eight ways that we can benefit from using Alltop.

  • Some 9% of small and midsize businesses (SMBs) use Twitter to market their business, and 32% of SMBs say they plan to include social media in their marketing mix over the next year.

  • The fall TV season premieres attracted record online viewership in September, with nearly 26 billion videos delivered to 168 million US Internet users during the month.

  • An ancient proverb states that a "cord of three strands is not easily broken." By way of analogy, I hypothesize that the more individual connections to a particular person you have, the stronger your overall relationship with that person will be. In constructing my social graph (i.e., my network of connections), I build relationships at three sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. In some cases, I have connections with individuals on all three networks. The connectivity usually begins on one network and gradually extends to two or three networks and sometimes more as we get to know each other. It seems logical and natural to continue the relationship cycle, building to sites where we both have a presence. If the "cord of three strands" philosophy is true, what are the top-three social networks for business?

  • Take a minute and think about the folks with whom you socialize. You may have a professional network (LinkedIn) and a personal network (Facebook). You may tweet for fun or business, or for both—or maybe you just follow some sports figures on Twitter to keep up to date on the latest trade rumors. Regardless of how you use social media, you are using it, and those you socialize with are like-minded folks. What does all that have to do with making your email "social-able?" Everything.

  • Social networking sites accounted for more than 25% of all UK display ad impressions in August. Although younger social networkers were delivered the highest percentage of ads, a sizable percentage of impressions reached every age group.

  • Germany’s 36 million online video viewers watched 6.4 billion videos in August 2009, an average of 178 videos per viewer. About 43% of those 6.4 billion videos were viewed on YouTube.

  • This article presents a small sampling of the vital research data about today's email, search, and social media marketing that's contained in the MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Factbook, designed to be a comprehensive resource for every online marketer.

  • When your customers feel that they are part of a community, they visit your website more often, provide feedback, and recommend your products and services to people they know. They do so because they now have a significant relationship with your company that surpasses brand awareness; they are now your greatest champions. Why? People want to be a part of something—they want to feel included and important. Changing individual customers into a community isn't simply a matter of semantics; it is a change in your attitude toward the people who frequent your business.

  • Twitter use jumped significantly in the last six months, from 11% of US internet users in April 2009 to 19% today. Driving the growth are three groups: people who use social networks, those get online via a mobile device, and younger internet users (under 44).