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  • Some 8% of online adults—or 6% of the US adult population—say they use Twitter, but adoption levels are higher among online African-Americans (18%) and online Latinos (13%), according to a new survey from Pew Research.

  • More than two-thirds (67%) of senior-level public relations (PR) professionals say their companies are now engaging in social media on some level and 69% say social media will be a top priority for PR in 2011, according to a survey from Vocus. Fully 80% of PR professional say social media will be more important in the coming year.

  • Six in ten consumers (60%) say they follow at least one brand a social networking site and 40% say when they interact with brands via social media they do so primarily to find coupons and special promotions, according to a survey from Empathica.

  • Small-business owners often feel the cash-flow pinch, especially when they're starting out. Because their resources are limited, they may feel that their marketing efforts have to be limited as well. Yet what they may not realize is that they already have some powerful marketing tools at their disposal.

  • Simply put, "app-vertising" is the use of applications to deliver branding, messages, content, or functionality to reach target audiences. And if you're looking for a tool that offers affordability, ease of use, and significant return on investment (ROI), then app-vertising may well be right for you.

  • Global ad spending is forecast to reach $449.6 billion in 2010—up 4.9% from a year earlier—and continue to grow between 4.6% and 5.2% over the next three years, fueled by digital media and strong ad growth in developing markets, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia.

  • It's a lot easier to maintain a robust, active blog when you have many contributors—not just one person responsible for writing compelling content, day in and day out, rain or shine, in sickness and in health. One place to look for help is to your own employees—from throughout the organization, not just the usual suspects from Marketing or PR.

  • Employees who use technologies at work such as smartphones, social media, and the Internet after hours tend to be stronger advocates for their employers, and those who use social media are among the most positive promoters of their companies' products and services, according to a report by Forrester Research.

  • Webinars are a wonderfully robust and lively marketing tool, and an effective way to reach your prospects or buyers. Or, rather, they can be... if done correctly. Here are three key challenges you need to address if you want to call your webinar a success.

  • Large retailers can count on Black Friday to turn their books from red to black, and online retailers have Cyber Monday to cash in afterward. This year, though, we also have Small Business Saturday. So how can a small business get the upper hand on these three monumental shopping days?

  • Even before the recent furor over Amazon's sale of the self-published "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure," and the subsequent less-than-stellar and social-media-inept response by Amazon, it seemed clear that the pioneering e-commerce giant had begun to fall behind the social-commerce curve.

  • Teen girls today are influential social connectors who seek out information about brands from a wide range of sources and share that information frequently in their social circles, using a mix of face-to-face interaction and social media, according to a study by Varsity Brands and the Ketchum Global Research Network.

  • Visits to Facebook accounted for 10.28% of US Internet traffic in the week ended November 13, 2010, up 63.5% from the same period a year earlier, according to according to Experian's Hitwise Intelligence.

  • National retailers are marketing via social networking channels—particularly Facebook, but also Twitter—at increasing levels, integrating their online and physical properties via those channels and using their rapidly increasing fan and follower bases to build stronger brand experiences, according to a report by Media Logic.

  • To launch your marketing programs, you need the green light from your internal executives—and that means building the business case for new media and new programs. Here's how to convince B2B executives that mobile poses a high-opportunity, high-ROI marketing channel—and can make a significant impact with their business-centric audiences.

  • Companies have discovered that a virtual-engagement strategy provides a new channel for reaching target audiences. Virtual-engagement platforms remain open 24/365 for connecting with prospects, customers, and employees around the globe. No wonder virtual engagement is on its way to becoming a key component of innovative companies' marketing mix.

  • The use of Twitter among the nation's largest corporations has nearly doubled: 60% of companies listed on the 2010 Fortune 500 have a corporate Twitter account with at least one tweet issued in the previous 30 days, up from 35% who did so a year earlier, according to research from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Meanwhile, 56% of Fortune 500 companies have a Facebook profile.

  • Companies that deliver high-quality customer experiences via new media are rewarded for their efforts, often in the form of higher brand awareness and likelihood to purchase among those who engage, but that loyalty can be hard to find and hard to keep, according to a survey from Cone.

  • Social marketing is growing up: Not only have activity levels across social communities risen, but the number of brands now applying more focused and disciplined approaches to their social media communities has increased significantly over the past year, according to a study by ComBlu.

  • The US online display advertising marketing rebounded sharply in the third quarter of 2010 with $1.284 trillion worth of display ads delivered to Internet users during the period, up 22% from $1.050 trillion a year earlier, according to data from the comScore Ad Metrix.