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  • Using social media as a comprehensive, effective marketing channel for your organization can be met with challenges or seem daunting. It doesn't have to be. This four-phase adoption model will help your company see the bigger picture when it comes to social media.

  • Though B2B marketers report most of their new sales coming from current customers, only one-half (55.4%) say their companies have departments that focus primarily on customer retention, according to a survey by Loyalty 360 and SAS. Among those with formal loyalty programs, most are using traditional channels such as surveys and call centers to listen and respond to customers.

  • Social media stories dominated the list of most popular marketing charts and articles in MarketingProfs in 2010. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Wikipedia, figured prominently in seven of the Top 10 articles, which also covered subjects such as email, mobile, marketing budgets, and content marketing.

  • As social media marketing matures in 2011, a host of new challenges will likely confront marketers, including increasingly cluttered social platforms and growing privacy concerns, according to projections by Forrester Research. Thus, even more than content, personality, or responsiveness, social media's new currency in 2011 is likely to be trust.

  • Though the adoption of emerging Web activities such as social media is still dominated by Millennials, older generations are making sharp gains, according to Pew Research. Moreover, key Internet activities such as email and search are becoming more uniformly popular across all age groups.

  • Staying ahead of personal-branding trends will keep you visible and vital in your marketing career. Learn these 11 personal-branding trends for 2011, and let your brand take center stage.

  • Online video is becoming more important as a source of business information and as a driver of work-related buying decisions among today's senior executives: 83% are watching more online video today than they were a year earlier and 65% say they have visited a vendor's website after watching a work-related video, according to a survey from Forbes Insights.

  • Digital media is trouncing traditional channels among up-and-coming Millennials: 81% of affluent Gen-Y adults use Facebook every day—roughly double the number who read newspaper content (45%) or watch TV (44%) daily, according to a new study by L2. Moreover, 45% of such consumers read at least one blog every day.

  • Facebook was the top-searched term overall in 2010—as it was in 2009—accounting for 2.11% of all searches, according to an Experian Hitwise analysis of the top 1,000 search terms for 2010. Moreover, Facebook was the top-visited website (for the first time) in 2010, accounting for 8.93% of all US visits, Experian found.

  • When it comes to social marketing, there's power in numbers. Our thoughts and behavior patterns are shaped by the opinions and actions of others, especially those we know and respect. Find out how to grab and keep their attention by using "social proof."

  • Networking is the best job-search method and generates more than 80% of new hires. Constantly nurturing your relationships and strategically developing new contacts puts you on the inside track to plum job leads. Learn how to flesh out your network in just 12 days with these job-market secrets.

  • Cloud computing is a transformative technology that is expected to have a revolutionary impact on the business of marketing. Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage using the three platforms of cloud computing.

  • Nearly one-half of sales professionals worldwide (49%) say social media is important to their success, and among top-performing salespeople, more than two-thirds (65%) say social media is integral to their success, according to a survey from OgilvyOne.

  • Today's business executives use a full array of electronic devices for work purposes, but next to the laptop, the smartphone is their device of choice, according to a new survey from Forbes Insights. Younger execs are leading the charge to mobile adoption, particularly in business-related buying, Web searching, and posting to social networking sites.

  • Warning: Social media may be heading for a big crash in 2011, and it could happen because businesses don't know how to measure the ROI of their social media campaigns. Find out how the Fortune 500 use social media, learn the three categories of social media measurement, and discover the one formula you need to dodge the Great Social Media Crash of 2011.

  • Nearly one-quarter of Twitter users (22.5%) account for 90% of all tweets posted on the popular microblogging site, while a small hard-core group of Twitter users (2.2%) account for over one-half (58.3%) of tweet activity, according to a study by Sysomos.

  • It takes time for brands to incorporate social media effectively: 28.1% of companies with two or more years of social media marketing experience say social tools have been fully integrated into their companies' business models, but that level increases to 44.4% among those with three or more years of experience in social marketing, according to a social media benchmark report by SmartBrief.

  • Fully one-half of businesses plan to increase their marketing budgets in 2011, with much of that spending growth allocated to email, social media, and search marketing, according to a survey from StrongMail.

  • As social media becomes a strategic communication and marketing channel, the way you manage it must itself become more strategic. This article lays out the four phases of implementing a social-media management system in your business and outlines the 20 steps necessary for running a successful social-media function.

  • With most companies focusing their social media marketing efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, over one-third (36.1%) say they've been able to make a conversion from initial connection to sale via such social channels, according to a new survey from R2integrated.