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  • With social media, podcasting, videos, push notifications, and other mobile channels taking up our lives, you may think that the good-old email is losing its dominance in the mobile age. Well, think again.

  • Unlike texting while driving, texting while selling is not dangerous; in fact, it can be invaluable in helping sales teams meet their numbers. But before you fire off texts to all your leads, keep these tips and tricks in mind.

  • When you ignore mobile, you miss a huge opportunity to engage with your current and potential customers, capture their interest, and generate leads. Here's how you can successfully integrate mobile into your marketing plan.

  • Mobile marketing is by no means new, but it has been so refined in recent years that its toolsets and techniques are growing increasingly effective—and, more important, increasingly seamless.

  • Mobile marketing has come a long way, but there's still progress to be made in technology, analytics, and strategy. Most notably, it's time for a paradigm shift: to think of mobile as the home for omnichannel marketing.

  • Write SMS messages that rock by following the tips in this Text Marketer infographic.

  • Cellphone owners across a broad range of educational and income levels have similar levels of Android adoption, but those from the upper end of the income and education spectrum are much more likely to own an iPhone, according to a recent Pew report.

  • Leading business bloggers say the perceived authenticity of a CEO plays a critical role in how they assess a leader's abilities and performance overall, according to interviews conducted by the 10 company and Gotham Research Group.

  • In today's sophisticated marketplace, overcoming communication obstacles is critical—especially early on in the sales process. It is increasingly obvious that the competitive battle for customers is being won or lost at the top of the sales funnel. So, how does a firm make itself stand out from the rest?

  • If your sales cycles seem to be dragging, it may be time to revamp your communications plan. Done well, your communications programs can generate demand for your solutions, create a sense of urgency, attract prospective buyers' attention, and keep you high on their radar—all without sales intervention. Your communications program can even encourage prospective buyers to "raise their hands" when they are finally ready to purchase by offering the right enticement. The key is getting the right message to the right person at the right time.

  • The advertising industry’s idea of what "integrated marketing" means continues to evolve. Where is this all heading?

  • Are you soliciting customer feedback? Are you listening to it carefully? Are you incorporating the feedback into your on and offline marketing communications? If you answered yes, yes and yes – you may be creating a cult brand.