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  • Many B2B marketers struggle not only to show results from their digital advertising campaigns and SEO efforts but also to understand how to maximize their ROI for each. In this free webinar from Northwoods, learn how to effectively do both and take your PPC and SEO strategy to a whole new level. Sponsored by Northwoods.

  • How important is it to have a privacy-centered strategy in 2022? We chat with Hubspot's Kipp Bodnar about the state of data privacy, first-party data, becoming a more human-focused marketer, and more.

  • Discover the five things the event experts at Cvent always do to optimize their time at industry events and ensure a positive ROI from the tradeshows they attend. Join us to learn how you can use those same strategies to get results at your next in-person event or tradeshow. Sponsored by Cvent.

  • During times of economic uncertainty, it's natural to focus on budgets and bottom lines. In this free webinar, learn about the one thing you should be focused on even more—your brand. Plus, you'll pocket new strategies used by brands that not only survive times of fiscal unpredictability... but also thrive in them. Sponsored by BlueOcean.

  • B2B marketers are moving away from third-party data and embracing first-party customer data. But what processes do you need in place to make the switch—and effectively drive marketing? Sponsored by Bounteous and Acquia.

  • This infographic looks at six KPIs that provide valuable and actionable insights: customer acquisition cost, customer retention rate, MQL to SQL conversion rate, return on investment, website traffic, and customer lifetime value.

  • Today's Web analytics tools can deliver everything from page heat maps to purchase probabilities. Focusing largely on Google Analytics, this infographic explores how website measurement has evolved.

  • A RevOps department is only as effective as its unification of metrics—and it really should be the marketing department that takes that leap, argues this article.

  • Changes are happening around Google Analytics. Have you started to adapt for your analytics future? Katie Robbert chats about GA4, including what's changing, why it's changing, and what it all means for you as a marketer.

  • Many marketers get to the point where they want to venture out on their own, but starting a new agency can be confusing and complicated. Here are four benchmarks to count on, and what you should measure when you get there.

  • Data is no good to anyone if it's just lying around. To be useful, it has to be analyzed and applied. That's where people come in. Check out these examples of people and data being better together.

  • Data can drive better marketing strategies and help make content more authoritative. However, when data is interpreted incorrectly, it can lead marketers astray. Explore 15 common data mistakes that should be avoided.

  • Ever try to explain how hot it is outside in Celsius when your audience is familiar only with Fahrenheit? That's what marketing measurement can feel like. Check out the methods in this article to get to the bottom of marketing's business value.

  • After 2+ years of major pivots and accelerated digital transformation, brands are now having to take a close look at how they handle customer data. To make absolutely necessary improvements, organizations must meet three challenges and implement a series of best-practices.

  • Consumer ads have ruled CTV, but with the ever-decreasing gap between home and work life, that doesn't have to be the case. Here's how B2B advertisers can use digital attribution to take advantage of CTV.

  • What does the future of marketing look like with the deprecation of third-party cookies? And how can marketers plan and measure future campaigns while ensuring continued value and ROI? Join us for this free webinar to find out. Sponsored by ChannelMix.

  • Sometimes all the persuasive arguments in the world are useless compared with real-life case studies. Here are four that should convince you how useful attribution analytics can be.

  • Big ad channels can't be trusted to give you real analytics. Facebook wants you to use Facebook, so it fudges the stats to ensure you will. Multitouch attribution tools, on the other hand, are impartial and effective.

  • Complying with customer data rights doesn't mean just checking a few boxes and moving on. Your entire organization must shift in the way it views and processes customer data. Here are some tips to get started.

  • If the formula for measuring ROI is so straightforward, why do so many marketers struggle with it? They may be looking for their Y in the wrong place.