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  • The power of marketing automation is very real, and very real companies are using automation to grow and thrive. And while the process of selecting a vendor, implementing the technology, and training your team to use it can be daunting, the potential benefits make it a worthy investment.

  • Multichannel automation, content personalization, social sharing tools, analytics... a marketing Cloud makes it possible to juggle the numerous tools necessary for today's marketing. But do you get a turnkey solution, or do you build your own?

  • Many companies find themselves asking the same question: How do we authentically engage with customers throughout their entire buying journey to keep them satisfied and buying more? The answer, up until now, has been complicated.

  • The point of sale (POS) has evolved from the cash register to the online cart and now to voice-activated devices—and soon to virtually anywhere, anytime, in myriad automated ways. The one constant for marketers: user experience.

  • Users of the Internet generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day, on average, according to recent research from Domo.

  • Marketers have lately been talking much more about how augmented reality and virtual reality will change marketing. It's time to take a step back and put a practical spin on AR and VR—on what is likely to happen and what is simply hype.

  • From raising awareness, to educating prospects, to completing the transaction, to enhancing customer service and beyond, predictive analytics can help you anticipate customers' needs and desires throughout their circuitous buying journey.

  • Prospective buyers of marketing technologies rank demos, test drives, and self-driven online research as the most valuable methods for evaluating products/services, according to a recent report from Target Marketing, NAPCO Research, and IBM.

  • Businesses resistant to new tech and ideas have often fallen behind or lost the ability to compete. VR and AR may still feel out of reach, but the technology will quickly become more accessible both to creators and to users.

  • In today's digital world, marketers manage thousands of images and videos. What's the best way to manage your marketing materials? Here are five best-practices to consider.

  • Voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are becoming a larger presence in the lives of consumers—and affecting consumer shopping, search, and media consumption behaviors.

  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave... when we merge and acquire so many companies! This interactive infographic sorts out which companies own which digital brands and how they are connected.

  • Chatbots are often positioned as an alternative to live customer service agents, but using both may give your customers the best experience. Check out the infographic to see how this match made in customer-care heaven can work.

  • Today's marketing software landscape is flooded with thousands of solutions offering myriad features and benefits. It can be nearly impossible to find the right software for you. But fear not, here's some help.

  • Rather than sticking to time-tested basics, marketers sometimes jump into channels they know little about. After all, what if that shiny new platform is the one you've always dreamed about? In the end, though, you're only hurting yourself.

  • Are you using your marketing automation platform to its fullest capabilities? If you're not including data from social media channels, you could be missing out.

  • Determining which technology pieces matter to your marketing team can be daunting. You need tools that help you navigate omnichannel shopping behaviors, meet customers where they are, and deliver useful experiences. Here are three essential tools road-tested by leading retail brands.

  • People have access to more apps, platforms, and software than ever, thanks to the consumerization of information technology. The key is finding the right tools for the right team. Take this quiz to see what type of worker you are and which apps you need in your work.

  • Marketers look most closely at measurability and pricing when deciding which platforms to run pre-roll video ad campaigns on, according to recent research from Trusted Media Brands.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is the sexiest conversation in email marketing, but few marketers are ready for it. Here's what the buzz doesn't tell you, and what you can do now to prepare for an AI-empowered future.