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  • The challenge? Measuring Marketing's performance and value to the business. The traditional approach to metrics simply perpetuates the myth that marketing activity equals value. Here's how to measure Marketing's true value instead.

  • For employees, the most important job benefit is health, dental, and vision insurance, according to recent research from Fractl.

  • What makes a good (or even great) boss? Are you one... or do your leadership and management skills need work? Find out by answering the questions in this flowchart infographic.

  • Some 44% of marketing executives and 63% of advertising executives say they search online for information about prospective employees at least some of the time, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Tips, tricks, and hacks for managing marketing projects from Nathan Ellering, the demand-generation lead at marketing calendar company CoSchedule and an instructor for the Marketing Project Management Essentials course from MarketingProfs.

  • Love is in the air for the upcoming Valentine's Day, and what's more romantic than some fun marketing statistics about the day of love?

  • Everything you wanted to know about how eye tracking works but didn't even know to ask.

  • The cost of implementing a marketing automation solution in your organization goes beyond the technology. See how much the people on a marketing automation team cost as well.

  • Just-in-time marketing reduces marketing waste and drives revenue growth. Investing in the right capabilities, models, and technologies can transform marketing operations and achieve a competitive edge.

  • In an age of algorithms and artificial intelligence, marketers don't just need to be tech-savvy... they need to be tech-everything. That may sound like an exaggeration, but have you looked at job postings lately?

  • Have you created your marketing to-do list yet? IBM offers advice on key marketing trends to help you succeed in 2017.

  • Most marketing and advertising executives expect to keep their staff size unchanged in the first half of 2017 (1H17), according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Chief marketing officers are increasingly being held responsible for growth strategies and revenue generation within their companies, according to recent research from the CMO Council and Deloitte.

  • Ask B2B marketers to identify what they are focused on, year after year, and they will say "revenue." Enter marketing performance management. As we enter 2017, five key changes will make MPM a greater priority than ever for B2B organizations.

  • Everyone has their own built-in approach to leading others. Do you know what yours is?

  • In the world of marketing operations (MO), words like "enterprise" and "scale" are common, but we rarely hear "small business" enter the conversation. Ironically, small and midsize businesses (SMBs) need MO the most if they are to grow into the company they want to be.

  • A unilateral or bilateral business model, whereby vendors sell to customers or via business partners, is old-school. Today, forming an ecosystem is the way to increase shareholder value, foster customer relationships, and enhance brand equity.

  • How does the explosion in marketing tech help your team get stuff done today? It doesn't. So until you evaluate, decide, deploy, integrate, and optimize your marketing stack, try these lightweight but useful tools that cost little and are simple to use.

  • It's exciting to be part of a growing business. But growth can also be stressful, especially for Marketing. In fact, sometimes growth can cripple your business if you do not have the resources to adequately support it.

  • Clearly, developing a customer journey map is beneficial to your business. But how do you ensure that all of your work in mapping the customer journey will be properly implemented within your organization?