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  • Keeping employees motivated and engaged can result in happier, more productive employees. Check out these nine tips to help you keep your remote team—or any team—feel connected, appreciated, and excited.

  • Content creators have a tough gig. Too often, our colleagues view us as short-order content cooks who can whip up content at a moment's notice. Fortunately, there's a process designed to protect the content creators of the world. It's called Agile, and it works beautifully in marketing.

  • Which generation of workers in the United States is viewed as being the most valuable by co-workers? How do the professional qualities of Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers compare?

  • Working more hours doesn't necessarily lead to a more productive economy, as this infographic shows. Take a look to see which countries are the most productive and which are the least.

  • Marketers need to understand customers and offer truly personalized experiences, delivering the right content or services to the right people at the right time—i.e., the right context. Here's how to lay the foundation of a customer experience program and team.

  • Marketers can no longer afford to view technology as a "nice to have." In 2018 and beyond, our performance will rely in great part on our martech stacks. Those without an adoption strategy will find themselves unable to keep up with competitors who use technology more effectively.

  • Ad tech trends seldom mature overnight, but as the industry figures out how it can improve user experience as well as increase revenue, 2018 will be a rough ride for most.

  • By working in lockstep with data scientists, marketers can better understand who their targets are, what they desire, and what their challenges, behaviors, and motivations are. Marketers can then devise more effective campaigns to influence consumers.

  • With the year quickly coming to a close, many companies are looking to ramp up their sales efforts to hit or exceed their projected numbers for the year. These six platforms can help B2B sales departments close out the year strong.

  • It's that time of year when marketers are figuring out how to allocate their resources. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you build your marketing budget for the upcoming financial year or quarter.

  • What makes a team effective at Google? Which qualities set successful groups apart from other groups in the company? See what Google discovered about its best teams.

  • Despite the annoyance, budget planning is an absolute necessity. Without it, you can't proceed or succeed. When planning for 2018, here's how to avoid and correct the top 4 mistakes almost all marketers make.

  • At the end of the day, lead generation is B2B marketing's primary task. It is also the trickiest. Getting disconnected from what customers want happens a lot more and faster than you think.

  • IBM's first "chief digital officer," Bob Lord, explains why cognitive developers and data scientists will be indispensable members of your marketing team in the near future.

  • The specter of the General Data Protection Regulation has loomed large. With GDPR taking effect next year, efforts to comply with the new regulations should already be well underway. That's simply not the case at many companies, however.

  • What are the most used marketing organizational structures? How do these approaches correlate to revenue growth?

  • The need for high-quality content cannot be overemphasized, which is why you need a team that knows how to implement your content strategy. Here's how to build and nurture a content team that gets the job done.

  • Some marketing organizations excel at marketing performance management and, as a result, achieve better growth for their companies. How? They operate Marketing as a center of excellence (CoE). Here's how to turn your marketing organization into a CoE.

  • All employees want to be recognized for their good work, but 49% of them say they are dissatisfied with that aspect of their jobs. Managers should take note: Happy employees save brands money. See how your company can undertake employee recognition efforts.

  • Enterprise workers say wasteful meetings and excessive emails top are the productivity killers at their jobs, according to recent research from Workfront.