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  • The median starting salary for a corporate vice-president of marketing in the United States is expected to be $145,000 in 2020, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Insufficient pay is the top reason workers in the United States consider quitting their jobs, according to recent research from

  • By developing processes and adopting ideas that mirror Agile methods, marketing teams can produce higher-quality content. Here's how Agile approaches can help you find the balance between quality and quantity.

  • Most marketers say their teams are somewhat proactive about planning projects, and they somewhat agree that their team members have strong organizational skills, according to recent research from CoSchedule.

  • More and more marketing departments are moving from just being curious about Agile to actually implementing Agile practices. But many have the wrong idea about what Agile is and what it can or cannot do, so let's debunk some of the most common myths about Agile.

  • Hiring and scaling your team can be daunting. Making a hire and then discovering it was the wrong one can be extremely costly: in terms of time, money, resources, and—less obviously—team morale. When hiring, here's what you need to consider to do it right.

  • Bringing creative teams in-house promises greater efficiencies and higher-quality creative work. But marketing organizations can't just bolt on a creative team and expect miracles. Check out the infographic to learn more.

  • Done right, email marketing delivers results that outperform just about any other channel's. Done wrong, you leave money on the table with every send. So what are the roadblocks that stand in the way of optimizing email ROI?

  • The average tenure of chief marketing officers at top consumer brands dipped slightly last year, according to recent research from Spencer Stuart.

  • Marketers' day-to-day responsibilities, together with what's expected of marketing departments and marketers, continue to shift. So do marketing skill sets and marketing team structures—and marketing salaries.

  • Employees and employers have somewhat differing opinions about what causes people to be fired from jobs, according to recent research from Airtasker.

  • You produce marketing content, and you're considering video because it engages audiences as no other content can. But how much does a video cost to make? It's tough to find an accurate and one-size-fits-all answer—because there are numerous considerations. This infographic breaks those down for you.

  • Marketers are drowning in martech alphabet soup. They must sort through that haphazard collection of acronyms that vendors have created to market their products. Then, marketers have to select the right acronym and the right vendor. Avoid the unhealthy hassle.

  • Marketers are often at the mercy of continually changing environments. But Agile Marketing allows marketers to account for the inevitable volatility and uncertainty in day-to-day marketing operations. Here are five easy steps to going Agile with your marketing projects.

  • "Artificial intelligence": you've heard the term, you know it's a trend, you know you're "supposed" to be using it... But if you were asked to explain in a few short sentences what it means for marketers, could you do it? If not, then you've found the right article.

  • Everyone in your company is working hard to understand how customers think. But what if all that effort and all the investments in customer platforms, your understanding of your customer is only marginally better. Detailed customer insight can be hard to come by. Here's the likeliest cause of that problem.

  • Relationships are hard work—full of ups and downs, twists and turns. The relationship between client and marketing agency, too, requires TLC. Finding and keeping the right one is vital. Here's how you can cultivate a lasting, meaningful relationship with your marketing agency of choice.

  • Which hard and soft skills in content marketing are most in demand by employers? How does demand for those skills vary by how senior the positions are?

  • A lot of weekend warriors tend to show up in emergency rooms on Sunday nights. Marketing teams, too, can fall into cycles of intense effort followed by exasperation and, often, failure. But you can avoid common "marketing weekend warrior" scenarios—and market like a fit athlete instead.

  • These days, to successfully complete an RFP response, it takes on average 3-10 people (and sometimes up to 20). It's no easy feat. So how can your organization ensure a truly collaborative effort on its RFP projects? Use these six best-practices.