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  • Women are well represented in marketing in North America across all career levels, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • B2B marketers say creating effective content and collecting quality data are the two biggest challenges they face when trying to execute their lead generation strategies, according to recent research from Wpromote and Ascend2.

  • Some 46% of senior executives rated the performance of their marketing team as very good or exceptional in 2020, and 45% rated it as moderate, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • Live events hold vast, untapped potential for creating powerful connections with your customers and prospects. And the power of such brand engagement for driving business value should not be underestimated. Now is the time to amp up your live-event strategy. Sponsored by Cvent.

  • What is an agile content management system? What are its key components? And why is an Agile CMS essential for ensuring timely, seamless experiences across channels for B2B businesses? Find out in this article.

  • Sales deals that are won tend to have shorter time frames than lost deals, more email communication, more meetings, and more stakeholder involvement, according to recent research from

  • Businesses that need marketing services are faced with the question of whether to hire in-house, outsource to an agency, or contract with freelancers. Here are the most important factors to consider when making your decision.

  • Some 45% of salespeople say they've received less coaching than usual or no coaching since moving to remote work, according to recent research from ringDNA.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic drove a 177% spike in remote job listings for marketing roles over a six-month period, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • If you're in the process of hiring a marketing agency, or you're thinking of hiring one but you're not sure what kind of relationship you want and what type of contract you should sign, read this article before you decide.

  • Most sales professionals say salespeople are underappreciated in the business world, though more have been feeling appreciated since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from Pipedrive.

  • In keeping up with ever-changing digital channels and techniques, are we forgetting the who, what, why, and when—the fundamentals—of marketing? We shouldn't abandon a traditional marketing mindset. Here's why.

  • Just about every business has a social media presence, but is social media marketing really effective? Maybe we should be using social media in a different way.

  • With hiring picking up in the United States, why are some job seekers not accepting offers? According to recent research from Talroo, various forces are influencing those decisions.

  • A brand audit is an in-depth examination of your brand to identify what you’re doing well, spot areas for improvement, and assess your position in the market compared with your competitors. So, how exactly do you conduct one?

  • Too many companies register multiple domain names—sometimes hundreds or thousands—and then forget about them. Losing track of you online real estate poses high risks to security and reputation. Here's why you should take domain name security seriously.

  • Marketers say their biggest challenge with freelance content creators is the time they need to spend managing those freelancers and bringing them up to speed on brand guidelines, according to recent research from Skyword.

  • Modern marketers wear many hats. They're expected to accomplish numerous tasks, but formal training for most of those tasks doesn't exist—or it's considered less important than training for Sales. But systematic training for your marketing team is a must. Here's why.

  • Choices in marketing automation are plenty, and it might seem you have to choose between several best-of-breed platforms or a single all-in-one solution. But, surprise: you can have both.

  • The average job tenure for chief marketing officers at large brands dropped in 2020 to the shortest it has been in more than a decade, according to recent research from Spencer Stuart.